[Solved]Can someone help to choose the way to develop a new application
I am in the beginning of a new application, which is meant for billing.
Since I am in a beginner stage in development with Qt, and not known many things within Qt, I'm confused on the way to develop the application.
The application will have UI with lots of components and tasks like accessing db, printer etc... The application also targets desktop as well as android.
Should I go with native C++ widget based application which I am familiar with.
Or should I go with Qt Quick application, where many UI features I'll get for android...I'm afraid if I can attain the UI completely with Qt Quick...
It would be helpful if someone suggests the way to start ...
Have a look at the "qt quick controls overview":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qtquickcontrols-overview.html
There you can see if all the components you need are available.
If you want to go mobile, i would recommend QML since widgets doesn't look well there.
It's possible to use your C++ code and use it in your QML interface.