[Solved]: Blurry SVG when scaled in Qt 5.2.1 based browser
we created an HTML5 page that has svg images and on click, svg should be scaled using JavaScript (scale), we also created a qt based web browser, on Chromium and qt 4.8.5 web browser the svg images scale correctly but using the same qt based web browser with qt 5.2.1 the svg images look blurry, as in the below screen shots.
Just an update on this issue, I filed a bug report and I got a work around that solved my problem just in case someone might have the same issue, The work-around was just disabling (AcceleratedCompositingEnabled) in QWebSettings and now it's showing it as it should, and it was disabled in qt 4.8 by default thats why it was working normally on qt 4.8.5 but as Allan (from QT bug support) said that this issue is related to accelerated layer which doesn't know it needs to update its backing store on resize if its content is SVG (or other scalable).
"Link to the bug report...":https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-38588
on Chromium
On QT 4.8.5
![IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/9vjok8.png[/IMG](QT 4.8.5)!On QT 5.2.1
![IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/2z8nct4.png[/IMG](QT 5.2.1)! -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Looks like a bug. Could you file a bugreport after searching/checking if this wasn't reported yet?
"Via this link you will find information how to report and search":http://qt-project.org/wiki/ReportingBugsInQt