Creator w. Qt 5 on Linux: No kits, no compiler, no examples, no nothing
I've just tried installing the Linux-32bit libraries of Qt 5, which include Qt Creator 2.6.1
I might be a bit spoiled by the older SDK and 4.x installations, but Creator cannot auto-detect any Qt version, any compiler, any kits, and the start page doesn't find any examples.
Has anyone experienced a similar issue?
Works fine by me, 64b Kubuntu. But I have what you could call a hybrid installation (some of Qt is compiled from source, others taken from pre-compiled pack).
I think I saw a similar topic elsewhere and the solution was to purge old installations, or wait for QtC 2.6.2 which is due soon. You can always add kits by hand, of course. If you have a new OS installation, make sure to install all dependencies (compiler, libICU, mesa/ OpenGL driver).
Ok, thanks. I'm a linux novice, the package system took a little getting used to.