Could not load file:///path/to/foobar.3ds (possibly plugin could not be found).
I'm getting these errors when trying to use Qt3D and importing .3ds meshes. I've installed Qt3D (I got help "here":, and I've read the info on this "Qt3D troubleshooting page":
I've checked in
but I don't see any "sceneformats" folder. Should there be a
I built Qt3D by doing
@mingw32-make install@
After that point I was able to put
@import Qt3D 2.0@
at the top of a QML file to use Qt3D.
Any idea how I might fix this problem? Do you need me to provide any more info? Is it a problem with debug vs release modes not matching? I'm not sure how to determine if it is.
Possibly you are missing some dependency libraries. You can use dependency(free download) and check all the required dlls.
Hope you are asking about link for Dependency checker. Here is the link -
Hello, I face the same problem with Qt 5.3 & Qt3D on Win7-64b.
Running the qt3d>test>manual>model3ds
Could not load file:///MyPath/monkey.3ds (possibly plugin could not be found)
Asset importer error: Chunk is too large
@I used "Dependency Walker": on tst_model3ds.exe but it was no help for me, I thinks that it may be because of "sceneformat" plugins being QtPlugins loaded at runtime ?
These plugins should be generated by Qt3D right ? But I haven't any plugin generated by Qt3D. So I just can't copy them as said on the "Trouble Shooting Page":, I don't have them !
Any idea to solve this problem ?