Oh My God !What happened when I compiler qtcreater
I just go QT
and what I do now is compiler the QTCreater (Beacause I use Window + Mindw to work ,and My custom widget for Qt Designer Plugins is can't be find,what help doc say is : Matching Build KeysThe Qt Creator that is included in pre-built SDK packages on Windows is built with the Microsoft Visual Studio compiler, whereas the version of Qt shipped for building applications is configured and built to use the MinGW/g++ compiler. Plugins built by using this version of Qt cannot be loaded by Qt Creator because the build-keys do not match. The plugins can only be used in the standalone version of Qt Designer. Choose Help > About Qt Creator to check the Qt version Qt Creator was built with.
To use Qt Designer plugins that were built for the shipped Qt version, make sure that Qt Creator is built with the same compiler by either recompiling Qt Creator using MinGW or recompiling Qt with Microsoft Visual Studio, depending on which configuration you want to use for your applications.)
so I download the qt-creator-2.5.2-src.zip and qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.4.zip
and I use Default qtCreater which in qtsdk to compiler it
and the qtcreator-build-desktop-Qt_4_7_4_for_Desktop_-_MinGW_4_4__Qt_SDK__Release
and I compiler it
it's really a long journey to wait it
but I got many error like
@“In file included from release/../../../../../qt-creator-2.5.2-src/src/plugins/qt4projectmanager/customwidgetwizard/customwidgetwizard.h:36,
from release\moc_customwidgetwizard.cpp:10:
release/../../../../../qt-creator-2.5.2-src/src/plugins/qt4projectmanager/customwidgetwizard/../wizards/qtwizard.h:36:33: error: qtprojectparameters.h: No such file or directory”@
and I check the file, but the file was here
so I want to know what happen why qtcreater can't find the H file? It’s so crazy right?what can I do now?