[INVALID] String is not read from a text file
Hello. I have created a dialog box to open a path to a file on my computer and then save this file in a property file. I will then use this path to open a database. What I am also trying to do is to have the current path saved in the property file automatically appear in the textbox of the dialog. This is what I have:
#include "opennavdata.h"
#include "ui_opennavdata.h"
#include <QFileDialog>
#include <QFile>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <cstring>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>OpenNavdata::OpenNavdata(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::OpenNavdata)
ui->setupUi(this);// Opening the nav database from the provided path std::ifstream ifs("Airports.txt"); // we need to look a line starting with "navdata.path=" const std::string search_string = "navdata.path" ; std::string line; std::string value; QStringList tokens; while( std::getline( ifs, line ) && line.find(search_string) != 0 ); if( line.find(search_string) != 0 ) { ui->navDataDialogTextLine->setText("NavData is not selected"); } else { value = line + '\n' ; QString qvalue = QString::fromStdString(value); tokens = qvalue.split("="); QString final; final = tokens[1]; ui->navDataDialogTextLine->setText(final); }
delete ui;
}// Button used to locate the Airports.txt navdata file
void OpenNavdata::on_butNavdataDialogBrowse_clicked()
navDataFilePath = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open Airports.txt file"), "/", tr("Airports.txt"));
}// Button used to store the path of the Airports navdata file in the property file
void OpenNavdata::on_butNavdataDialogOK_clicked()
QString doc;
doc = "navdata.path=" + navDataFilePath + "\n";
QFile dataFile("igodispatch.property");if (dataFile.open(QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Truncate)) { QTextStream out(&dataFile); out << doc; } dataFile.close(); close();
// Button to close the navdata dialog box
void OpenNavdata::on_butNavdataDialogCancel_clicked()
However, when I open the dialog, the textbox has the following "NavData is not selected". I cannot understand what I am doing wrong. Does it even open the file?
EDIT: Sorry!!! I just realized that I was opening the wrong file. Please disregard! (Sorry, no option to delete the message). :-)
[quote author="igorland" date="1383095304"]EDIT: Sorry!!! I just realized that I was opening the wrong file. Please disregard! (Sorry, no option to delete the message). :-)[/quote]That's ok :) Glad to hear you fixed your issue.
You can edit your original post to make a note at the top, so that people don't start reading your code. Even better, edit your title and add "[INVALID]" to the front.