[Feature Req- Qt Creator] "Close Project" command should close all associated documents
Good idea. Feature requests should be filled in "Jira":https://bugreports.qt-project.org/secure/Dashboard.jspa.
Thanks – didn't know where to post. Feature request filed.
Post the link here, please :) I'd like to add it to my watch list.
Ok- "“Close Project” command should close all associated documents":https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTCREATORBUG-9970
Added mine too !
And my "axe":http://www.lukesurl.com/comics/2011-11-13-lotr.png.
[quote author="sierdzio" date="1376294219"]And my "axe":http://www.lukesurl.com/comics/2011-11-13-lotr.png.[/quote]
:D like that one!
I posted a feature request to the Qt team but it was closed/rejected. I discovered that there have been a number of previous requests for this basic functionality, all of which wee rejected.
Apparently they find it too difficult to figure out how to address this and made a claim that the "sessions" feature provides this functionality, which clearly it does not. I've seen this before, where developers defend an obvious usability design flaw as a "feature" or non-issue, being unable or stubbornly unwilling to see the obvious use cases it affects.
A shame but not much to do about it.