How can I add element to Qt Quick Controls Combobox?
You should be able to create any QAbstractItemModel and assign it to the model property of ComboBox after it has been populated. It should also respect modifications done to the model dynamically as long as the model notifies the view about changes. Perhaps you are running into a bug?
Hi, sorry but I don't understand... can you give me an example?
Not sure what you need an example of. This is how you can expose QStandardItemModel to qml from C++: -
@ ComboBox
id: comboComs
model: ListModel
id: cbItems
ListElement { text: "Banana"; color: "Yellow" }
ListElement { text: "Apple"; color: "Green" }
ListElement { text: "Coconut"; color: "Brown"
//invoke method on c++ nad get new list of elements
//add element to ListModel
@This is the code I'm tring to use... but the problem is how to populate the ListModel whit new items...
[quote author="Jens" date="1377003595"]Not sure what you need an example of. This is how you can expose QStandardItemModel to qml from C++:[/quote] -
It works, but from c++ I've a QList<SerialPortInfo>... so, how can i expose the serialportinfo propreties in the list?
There is compatibility from c++ obj and qml object? So I can do something like this:
cbItems.append({"text": "serialport.value(0).name", "color": "red"})
@ -
As I previously mention you cannot use ListView directly from C++. Look at the Using QStandardItemModel link I pasted. That is a regular C++ model. you can populate in C++. The documentation for how to use the model in C++ is here:
The link I pasted above explains how to make use of it from qml. -
This is what I've tred
@int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QGuiApplication app(argc, argv); //preparo l'applicazione
QQmlApplicationEngine engine(QUrl("cn/qml/main.qml")); //carico l'interfaccia
QObject *radice = engine.rootObjects().value(0); //identifico la radice
QQuickWindow *applicationwindow = qobject_cast<QQuickWindow *>(radice); //acquisisco in C++ l'ogg QML ApplicationWindow
if ( !applicationwindow )
qWarning("Error: Your root item has to be a Window.");
return -1;
}Engine motore(radice); QObject::connect(applicationwindow, SIGNAL(sceneGraphInitialized()),&motore,SLOT(fineCaricamento())); QStandardItemModel* m = new QStandardItemModel(); QStandardItem* it = new QStandardItem(); it->setData("ciao",0); it->setData("e.score", 1); it->setData("ciao",2); m->appendRow(it); QQmlContext c(&engine,(radice->findChild<QObject*>("comboCom",Qt::FindChildrenRecursively))); c.setContextProperty("cbItems",m); applicationwindow->show(); return app.exec();
and the specific QML is:
id: comboComs
objectName: "comboCom"
model: ListModel
id: cbItems
ListElement { text: "Banana"; }
but nothing happen...I've no idea what is the problem...
[quote author="Jens" date="1377006040"]As I previously mention you cannot use ListView directly from C++. Look at the Using QStandardItemModel link I pasted. That is a regular C++ model. you can populate in C++. The documentation for how to use the model in C++ is here:
The link I pasted above explains how to make use of it from qml.[/quote] -
So I must delete the ListElement { text: "Banana"; }...
[quote author="Jens" date="1377012579"]You don't have to create a ListModel on the qml side. You simply assign the context property itself as the model. I.e "model: cbItems", provided that cbItems is available in the scope.[/quote] -
I've tryed:
id: comboComs
objectName: "comboCom"
model: m
@ QStandardItemModel* m = new QStandardItemModel();
QStandardItem* it = new QStandardItem();
QStandardItem* it2 = new QStandardItem();
@and I'm getting this error
@"file:///C:/Users/Michele/Desktop/cn/cn/qml/main.qml:106: ReferenceError: m is not defined"@
[quote author="mikecurl91" date="1377012648"]So I must delete the ListElement { text: "Banana"; }...
[quote author="Jens" date="1377012579"]You don't have to create a ListModel on the qml side. You simply assign the context property itself as the model. I.e "model: cbItems", provided that cbItems is available in the scope.[/quote]
[/quote][quote author="mikecurl91" date="1377012648"]So I must delete the ListElement { text: "Banana"; }...
[quote author="Jens" date="1377012579"]You don't have to create a ListModel on the qml side. You simply assign the context property itself as the model. I.e "model: cbItems", provided that cbItems is available in the scope.[/quote]
[/quote] -
Ok, no errors...
@ QStandardItemModel* m = new QStandardItemModel();
QStandardItem* it = new QStandardItem();
QStandardItem* it2 = new QStandardItem();
m->appendRow(it2);QQmlContext c(&engine,(radice->findChild<QObject*>("comboCom",Qt::FindChildrenRecursively))); c.setContextProperty("cbItems",m);@
id: comboComs
objectName: "comboCom"
model: ListModel{
id: cbItems
}@but on combobox nothing appears... :
[quote author="Jens" date="1377013804"]Your context property is called "cbItems", not "m". [/quote]