How to rename the QUndoCommand in the QWebPage undoStack?
I'm able to successfully access the QWebPage undoStack (QUndoStack) and obtain many of the undoStack parameters such as count, last index, and text as follows:
qDebug()<<"undo size: " <<page()->undoStack()->count();
int cindex = page()->undoStack()->index();
qDebug()<<"command name:"<<page()->undoStack()->text(cindex);
@The problem I found was that that the text is always empty for common commands like cut or paste. I had hoped to fix this by setting the QUndoCommand text directly. For example:
@I thought this should work because I'm only using a const pointer but when I try it I get the error message:
passing 'const QUndoCommand' as 'this' argument of 'void QUndoCommand::setText(const QString&)' discards qualifiers
I have tried a number things to try and rename the command so I can see the undo sequence using QUndoView but none have been successful. Hopefully someone has a suggestion I can use.
the only thing i see you can do is this ugly trick:
QUndoCommand* cmd = const_cast<QUndoCommand*>( page()->undoStack()->command(cindex) );
@ -
Gene thanks for the suggestion but unfortunately it crashes the program. The cast seems to work but when I use
@cmd->setText("Cut");@to set the text the program crashes.
please post the stack trace.