[solved] QtCreator 2.8 from GIT gives Project ERROR with qmake
That obviously should not happen. Which branch are you trying to build? Which SHA?
Both the 2.8 and master branch built fine for me today on Linux.
First I tried to update my working copy with a normal git pull command.
When this error appears I deleted my working copy and mad a complete new checkout with:git clone git://gitorious.org/qt-creator/qt-creator.git
I think this is the master branch?
Today in the morning I tried again a git pull and I got the following messages:
@c:\QtCreator>git pull
remote: Counting objects: 49, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (22/22), done.
remote: Total 23 (delta 19), reused 1 (delta 1)
Unpacking objects: 100% (23/23), done.
From git://gitorious.org/qt-creator/qt-creator
cc7c3c9..84cbd10 master -> origin/master
20f3502..372fc60 2.8 -> origin/2.8
Updating cc7c3c9..84cbd10
tests/auto/debugger/tst_dumpers.cpp | 7 -------
1 file changed, 7 deletions(-)@After trying again the qmake, the same error appears.
How can I see which SHA I checked out?I am using Win 7 64 bit.
Another point:
I just downloaded the QtCreator source for 2.7.2 from the download page and the same qmake project error occurs.Yesterday I also updated my Qt from git to the latest version. Is it possible that this is not a problem of QtCreator source but of Qt 5.1.1 itself?
I did built today and it still works fine for me on linux.
Try "git log": The SHA of the very first entry is of interest. Which Qt version are you using?
I've the same problem.
I built qt5 like this guide, today: http://qt-project.org/wiki/Building_Qt_5_from_Git
Than I tried to compile qt-creator and got this error.
I'm working on Linux.qt5: ef8000991e5e4bd12e830d83a78d821b7863f0d4
creator: 113c5600c909791ddfea3d424a41d982dcdda6b7 -
I compiled Qt5.1.0 fine on one machine then switched to another machine and attempted to compile the git master with the same config and hit this.
Then i noticed id somehow got myself onto the wip/winrt branch instead of the stable branch. Switching branches allowed configure to continue.
(this may still be an issue but with wip/winrt instead of stable)