Isn't it time for a "supported features" chart for different platforms?
I think it is about time different modules and their features are put on a nice big chart so that users can quickly see which feature is supported, unsupported, in progress or in need of maintenance on different platforms. Right now it is a hellish process of trial and error and the changelogs aren't much help...
Take an example from "here": that is pretty much the only adequate way to give users an idea of what is supported, not quite there yet or unsupported in general.
Am I doing something wrong, or is the feature partially or fully unsupported, or buggy, or not fully implemented? A feature/platform chart will answer a lot of those questions and hopefully reduce the number of reoccurring inquiries.
Good idea, utcenter. I've set up a skeleton page ( ); please add what you've found so far
(I have yet to find a way to colourize wiki text)
I doubt the markup provided by this site will suffice. Maybe for a very basic and poorly maintainable chart, but I'd rather have full HTML/JS as well as database or some other form of persistent storage access to make it thorough and interactive. I mean collapsible/expandable modules with key features, notes and so on. Shades of colors instead of text in the cells - dark green for fully supported, green for "generally supported", light green for experimental, yellow for "in progress" and red for unsupported. Also, a note can be signified by single icon that shows the note on hover/click, so that notes can be nested in the cell of their respective platform, notes are important to signify incompatible platform versions or hardware manufacturers.
That will probably take a few weeks of web development. You'll need to bring this to the web admin or web mailing list, or put a suggestion in the bugtracker.
That's something I'm missing too, good idea.