Problem while removing QGraphicsPathItem from Scene after move.
how do you move the items exactly?
just a guess from me:
void WhiteBoardView::EraserLineTo(const QPointF ¤t, double radius)
QPainterPath eraserPath = mEraserPathItem->path();
eraserPath.addEllipse(current, 20,20);//m_DrawnItems = QList<QGraphicsPathItem*> foreach( QGraphicsPathItem* item, m_DrawnItems) { QPainterPath drawnPath = item->path(); drawnPath.subtracted(eraserPath.translated(item->pos())) item->setPath(drawnPath); } }
Thanks to reply Raven.. Sorry but i am not moving like this. Following is my code to move:-
void WhiteBoardView::mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent *event)
previousPt = event->pos(); // previousPt is QPointvbMousePressed = true; // vbMousePressed is bool type variable if(event->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { itemUnderMouse = this->itemAt(event->pos()); // itemUnderMouse is QGraphicsItem* }
void WhiteBoardView::mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent *event)
vbMouseMoving = true;if(event) { if(vbMousePressed && vbMouseMoving) { if(itemUnderMouse == NULL) { return; } else { moveSelectedImg(event->pos()); }
}// Following function is used to move polygon.
void WhiteBoardView::moveSelectedImg(const QPoint &currnt)
if(currnt == previousPt || itemUnderMouse == NULL)
return;int nXCor = currnt.x() - previousPt.x(); int nYCor = currnt.y() - previousPt.y(); itemUnderMouse->moveBy(nXCor, nYCor); previousPt = currnt;
well...are you sure!?
check the "docs": and try my code pls. -
I could not move the QGraphicsPathItem according to your following code.
@void WhiteBoardView::EraserLineTo(const QPointF ¤t, double radius)
QPainterPath eraserPath = mEraserPathItem->path();
eraserPath.addEllipse(current, 20,20);//m_DrawnItems = QList<QGraphicsPathItem*> foreach( QGraphicsPathItem* item, m_DrawnItems) { QPainterPath drawnPath = item->path(); drawnPath.subtracted(eraserPath.translated(item->pos())) item->setPath(drawnPath); } }@
Actually, i am moving the drawn QGraphicsPathItem over the QGraphicsView. This works fine. After moving, when i use eraser and move eraser over the new position of QGraphicsPathItem, it does not remove it but if i move eraser over its(QGraphicsPathItem's) last position, then it removes.
I have checked that i am not able to find updated path of QGraphicsPathItem after using moveBy() function and also not able to store updated path in m_DrawnItems list.
try this:
@or maybe it's easier to you if you dont move the item itself but only it's containing painterpath? Then there should also no changes be necessary in your eraser code.
void WhiteBoardView::moveSelectedImg(const QPoint &currnt)
if(currnt == previousPt || itemUnderMouse == NULL)
return;int nXCor = currnt.x() - previousPt.x(); int nYCor = currnt.y() - previousPt.y(); QPainterPath path = ....; // get painter path from itemUnderMouse path.translate(nXCor, nXCor); ... //set path back to item previousPt = currnt;
@ -
Ok.... But tell me that, should i use the following function with your suggestion ???
@/ Following function is used to move polygon.
void WhiteBoardView::moveSelectedImg(const QPoint &currnt)
if(currnt == previousPt || itemUnderMouse == NULL)
return;int nXCor = currnt.x() - previousPt.x(); int nYCor = currnt.y() - previousPt.y(); itemUnderMouse->moveBy(nXCor, nYCor); previousPt = currnt;
Sry, but it also does not work .... :(
Raven, actually i forgot to tell you the code which execute on mouseRelease(). Sorry for this. Following code will execute on mouseRelease:-
@allItemsList = this->scene()->items();
qDebug() << "size of AllItemList" << allItemsList.size(); if(this->scene() != NULL) { this->setScene(mController->newSceneForView()); // It sets the new scene after translation of QGraphicsPathItems. this->setSceneRect(qApp->desktop()->rect()); setGraphicsPathItem(this->scene()); // It sets QGraphicsPathItems for new Scene. mController->updateBackground(); // It sets the white background. for(int i=0; i<allItemsList.size(); i++) { QGraphicsItem* item = allItemsList[i]; if(mSelectedPolygonItem == qgraphicsitem_cast<QGraphicsPathItem*>(item)) { this->scene()->addItem(item); if(m_DrawnItems.contains(mSelectedPolygonItem)) { for(int i=0; i<m_DrawnItems.size(); i++) { if(m_DrawnItems[i] == mSelectedPolygonItem) { m_DrawnItems[i]->setPath(returnedPath); } } } } else { this->scene()->addItem(item); } } } allItemsList.clear();@