{SOLVED} QSql obtain a specific value from the table
QSql is a news for me ......
But I open correctly my db (with error test), insert correcly my data, update correctly too .... but have some problem with these piece of code:@ int p = 0;
QSqlQuery qy(db);
qy.prepare("SELECT id_pro1 FROM program WHERE pro1 = :pro1)");
qy.bindValue(":pro1", "ffff");
p = qy.record().toInt();
qy.clear();@I tray some method ( .value, .arg) but obtain only p=0 ..... I dont Understand why.
Hi gfxx.
Try using @p = qy.value(0).toInt();
(based on "QSqlQuery::record()":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtsql/qsqlquery.html#record )Insteads of @p = qy.record().toInt();
tanks for the answer .... but code return only
@p = 0@
..... but in table id_pro1 value are:
@ id_pro1 = 28@I have other update and insert in these void .... and all work good ..... I have only one select in these file and not work properly ......
Some idea??
in my code I have added these line at the end:
@qDebug() << p;@
and obtain these messages ....
@QSqlQuery::value: not positioned on a valid record@
If control my code at the line 3 .....
@ qy.prepare("SELECT id_pro1 FROM program WHERE pro1 = :pro1)");@
the ")" caracters is a mistake .... now the code work perfect
Tank you at all.