[Solved]Multi-select of TableView
Can't find any properties or functions to do multi-select
TableView haven't implemented this function yet?Or I miss something? -
Multi select is not yet a built-in feature but I made an example showing how you can do it here:
http://pastebin.com/NMtvPcpk (MultiSelectTableView) -
@import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Controls 1.0TableView {
id: tableproperty var indexes: [] property int __clicks SystemPalette{ id: syspal } rowDelegate: Rectangle { property bool selected: table.__clicks && indexes.indexOf(styleData.row) > -1 width: parent.width ; height: 18 color: selected ? syspal.highlight : syspal.base } itemDelegate: Text { property bool selected: table.__clicks && indexes.indexOf(styleData.row) > -1 anchors.fill: parent color: selected ? syspal.highlightedText : syspal.text anchors.leftMargin: 6 verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter renderType: Text.NativeRendering elide: styleData.elideMode text: styleData.value } onClicked: { var indexAt = indexes.indexOf(row) if (indexAt > -1) indexes.splice(indexAt, 1) else indexes.push(row) __clicks++ // force a re-evaluation of indexes in the delegates }
Thanks, hope that Qt5.2 or Qt5.1.x could offer us a way to do multiselect
Eh, It just did... The code above is just using plain Qt 5.1.0
We cant add any new API until 5.2. (5.1.x is only for bug fixes), but the solution I suggested above should be perfectly valid so there is not really any reason to wait if you need it now. I certainly agree that there should be convenience for it though.
Added support for key selection and key modifiers
import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Controls 1.0TableView {
id: tableSystemPalette{ id: syspal } property var indexes: [] property int __clicks property int __previousRow: -1 property int __modifiers: 0 property int __firstKeyRow: -1 rowDelegate: Rectangle { property bool selected: table.__clicks && indexes.indexOf(styleData.row) > -1 width: parent.width ; height: 18 color: selected ? syspal.highlight : syspal.base } itemDelegate: Text { property bool selected: table.__clicks && indexes.indexOf(styleData.row) > -1 anchors.fill: parent color: selected ? syspal.highlightedText : syspal.text anchors.leftMargin: 6 verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter renderType: Text.NativeRendering elide: styleData.elideMode text: styleData.value } // Shift-key selection is relative to the index when shift was pressed Keys.onUpPressed: keySelect(__modifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier, currentRow) Keys.onDownPressed: keySelect(__modifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier, currentRow) function keySelect(shiftPressed, row) { if (shiftPressed) { indexes = [] setRowRange(__modifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier, __firstKeyRow, row) } else { indexes = [row] } } Keys.onPressed: { if (event.key === Qt.Key_Control) __modifiers |= Qt.ControlModifier if (event.key === Qt.Key_Shift) { __modifiers |= Qt.ShiftModifier __firstKeyRow = currentRow } } Keys.onReleased: { if (event.key === Qt.Key_Control) __modifiers &= !Qt.ControlModifier if (event.key === Qt.Key_Shift) { __modifiers &= !Qt.ShiftModifier __firstKeyRow = -1 } } onClicked: { var index = currentRow if (__modifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier) { setRowRange(true, __previousRow, index) } else { var hasIndex = indexes.indexOf(index) !== -1 if (__modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier) { setRowRange(!hasIndex, index, index) } else { indexes = (indexes.length == 1 && hasIndex) ? [] : [index] __clicks++ // force a re-evaluation of indexes in the delegates } } __previousRow = index } function setRowRange(select, first, last) { var start = first <= last ? first : last var stop = first <= last ? last : first for (var i = start ; i <= stop ; ++ i) { var indexAt = indexes.indexOf(i) if (select) { if (indexAt < 0) indexes.push(i) } else { if (indexAt > -1) indexes.splice(indexAt, 1); } } __clicks++ // force a re-evaluation of indexes in the delegates }