Making multiple windows on browser
Of course you can make multiple windows for your single application, there are many ways to do that.
For browser kind app i think QTabWidget is convenient or you can use MDI or simple parent child dialogs. It depends of your goals. -
qxoz, thanks for the quick response!
what are the differences between QTabWidget, MDI, or simple parent child dialogs? My goal is to make the browser display a new window when I press a button. -
"Dialog": do you imagine your app, how it will look like?
here it is thus far:
my design philosophy is to be sleek yet functional. kinda a hybrid between chrome and firefox. I would like to possibly make a tab row underneath the search bar row. -
Ok, use QTabWidget then.
ok, thanks. is there a way to undo size constraints?
ok, so i am still really confused on how to use QTabWidget.
What is the problem?
So I have read the documentation, but im not sure how to make it switch tabs. Do I have to make separate windows for each tab? I know im being vague, but I just don't really understand how to get started with the tabs. -
help anyone?
Maybe this "link": can be helpful.
Aha thankyou!