Qtcreator debugger stops at disabled breakpoints
Running Qt Creator 2.7.0
Based on Qt 4.8.4 (32 bit)
Built on Mar 21 2013 at 09:39:19
From revision b6257ef735On Windows 7 sp1 64 bits
Every time I start debugging, I have to re-enable and disable the disabled breakpoints, otherwise the debugger stops.
Wasn't this bug fixed ? -
Do you have the bug id for the issue (the one that says it was fixed)?
No, I just read something googling and went through a similar fixed bug but I cannot find it anymore.
Could you please "file a bug report":https://bugreports.qt-project.org/ then and attach the debugger log (top right in the debugger, use save contents from the context menu please).
Extra points for checking whether a similar bug exists before filing a new one;)
Done: https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTCREATORBUG-9295
Could not find similar bugs.