Qt Diverge
Hi Ash001,
First of all, try this:
Uninstall Qt Diverge
Restart your computer
Re-install Qt Diverge
Does it run better now?
Also, I can't find any info about "Qt Diverge" on Google. Where did you get it from? Do you have a user manual?
I'm guessing that "Qt Diverge" is a very old, private, and proprietary piece of software. Your list of DLLs contains qt-mt230nc.dll, which is more than 10 years old. It's not supported any more. Are you able to get help from the person/organization that gave you the software?
Thanks for your reply. The program is written and available by this group (http://xgu.zool.iastate.edu/software.html). anyone can find Diverge2.msi there. I did un-install and re-install but did not work properly. I also contacted the group several times but no-reply. Some groups are still using the program but they reply me that they have no such problem.
Is there any possible way to handle this? -
[quote author="Ash001" date="1367859406"]Hi Guys,
I am trying to run a program named Qt Diverge. [...] My program run for some time and in the middle always it gives me "the application has requested the runtime to terminate it in an unusal way" [...] The problem arise when I uninstall 2010 Office and replace it with 2007. Now I once again install 2010 but problem persist. [...] [/quote]Hi Ash,
are you 100% sure that problem was not present until you re-installed Microsoft Office? Could possibly be that some libraries required by Qt Diverge were overwritten causing your problems but for me it looks from the message rather as an application bug. Are you able to reproduce the steps that lead to the crash? Maybe by doing the same in a different order you could avoid it (don't know of course what is the exact use case). Anyway I would suggest to try to contact application delivery team (if possible) and report the issue:
"Please address your comments on our software to xgu@iastate.edu"
Of course I don't know if anyone is actively developing the tool still as the web page footer states "Copyright 1999-2004"...
Thanks for your reply, Yes I re-install MS office 2010 but the problem persist. I also wrote to Prof. Xgu but no reply from him. I wrote another group in Columia, but they gave me the installer and suggested me to use this as we are fine with it. Each and every thing works well, but in NJ tree making kimura and poisson application put the program to a Non-responding state. By avoiding these two mattrices i used p-distances..It works well but every time when Gu99 calculation reaches to 33%, i receive the run time error. This program has no forum as well so it really stuck me from last 3 weeks. Thanks for your reply.
[quote author="Ash001" date="1367921926"]Yes I re-install MS office 2010 but the problem persist.[/quote]Pawel_Wr's question means this: Why do you say that the problem is caused by Microsoft Office? Did Diverge work without crashing before you replaced Office 2010 with 2007?
Anyway, Diverge is a very old program with no forums or instructions or source code, so it's very hard for us to identify the problem. If the software's creator has abandoned it, then there's not much we can do -- we can only make guesses.
You can try to install it on a different computer (especially an old one, running Windows XP/2000/ME/98) If you don't have another computer, create a virtual computer using "Windows XP Mode":http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows7/products/features/windows-xp-mode
Not a real solution, but in between you could setup a virtual machine with only Qt Diverge installed so you might avoid the current problem you have.
Hope it helps
I did not think this way but in-deed a good way to do it. I knew it is very old one and even the developer website seems out dated. @JKSH: For me the error arises because of MS office 2010. It was running perfectly, every thing was ok, but the night i un-install MS office 2010 and install MS office 2007, the next day i am facing the problem. Unfortunately in my case is that this is the only one program which can calculate a functional divergence therefore i tried too many different things since last few weeks but thanks to you guys also to Gaist, because at least you gave me an idea to work on.
@Pawel_Wr..You mentioned to me that i should address my comments to your website, If you are belong to Xgu lab or group, then can you please give me a linux version as there is no distribution for linux but on website it is also mentioned that we have. Thanks
[quote author="Ash001" date="1367934401"]
@Pawel_Wr..You mentioned to me that i should address my comments to your website, If you are belong to Xgu lab or group, then can you please give me a linux version as there is no distribution for linux but on website it is also mentioned that we have. Thanks
[/quote]Hi Ash,
this is a misunderstanding - I just copied the statement from the web page you provided:
I don't know Qt Diverge software at all and can only recommend what others already said - please try to setup a clean environment from scratch on another (virtual) PC - maybe also asking other people you mentioned:[quote author="Ash001" date="1367934401"] I wrote another group in Columia, but they gave me the installer and suggested me to use this as we are fine with it.
[/quote]about their SW configuration if they confirm they have no problems with this application.
Thanks to every body for fruitful discussion. I hope this discussion will also be helpful to other people if they are in they are using the same program. In the end I want to tell thay program is working it correctly. I do know up to what time it will work. I have also no idea how i fix it but i will share you some things i have made to my system.
- I re-install 2010.
- I also make my data set smaller ( I mean i am analysing it in parts).
- I install different kinds of registery fixing programs all were just wastage of time, but in the end i also tried Spy hunter. Spy hunter fix 20% with trial.
- Again I do not know wether spyhunter did the job, or my data set optimization or re-installation of 2010 MS office.
- If i face the same problem then my first choice will be Virtual XP.
Thanks to all guys.......and Regards.