Qt Assistant 5 - Old documentation
I've just installed the new Ubuntu 13.04 and installed Qt5 as follows:
@sudo apt-get install qt-sdk@
When opening Qt Creator and going to "About", it successfully shows Qt version 5. However, when I open Qt Assistant, it still references to Qt 4.8. I want to install everything through apt-get rather than installing it through the official Qt installer. Does anyone know how I can make Qt Assistant referencing the Qt5 documentation?
AFAIK, qt-sdk package in Ubuntu is still based on Qt4.
But if you do have Qt5's QCH file somewhere, you can add it to Assistant in it's settings.
Yip, I've seen that option in Qt Assistant. Any place I can download the qch file?
It should be bundled with your Qt, or you can build it yourself if you have Qt sources configured. Search for *.qch files on your system, I don't know where Ubuntu packagers tend to place those files.
Nope, just got 4.8 .qch files. And now I'm back to building from source. I thought that Qt5 would finally be fully supported with apt-get in Ubuntu 13.04. But thanks in any case for your help.
You can install prebuilt packages from Qt Project downloads.
Building from source is always a tempting possibility, of course :)
The Qt version in the About dialog is the one Qt Creator is using. That got nothing to do with what your projects are using -- check Tools>Options>Build & Run>Qt versions for that.
The Qt version used in the project determines which help files are displayed.
I'm just going to install from the official Qt installer. Will solve a lot of problems.