[Solved] QXmlQuery returns null item
Hi, I'm using a code probed to work with others xquery files, but in this case my code is not working.
Here is xml file i'm using:
<comando servicio="plafones" on=true id="1">2cp0021\n\r</comando>
<comando servicio="plafones" on=true id="2">2cp0023\n\r</comando>
<comando servicio="plafones" on=true id="3">2cp0025\n\r</comando>
<comando servicio="plafones" on=false id="1">2cp0022\n\r</comando>
<comando servicio="plafones" on=false id="2">2cp0024\n\r</comando>
<comando servicio="plafones" on=false id="3">2cp0026\n\r</comando>
</comandos>@Note: true and false are between double quotes in real file, I had to delete in here because on parameter got erased in the post.
Here is xquery file:
@declare variable $inputDocument external;
declare variable $servicio external;
declare variable $on external;
declare variable $id external;doc($inputDocument)//comandos/comando[@servicio=xs:string($servicio) and @on=xs:boolean($on) and @id=xs:integer($id)]/string()@
xmlpatterns console command returns the correct string as result:
@$ xmlpatterns -param inputDocument=comando.xml -param servicio=plafones -param on=true -param id=1 comando.xq
2cp0021\n\r@And here is the piece of code that uses all this stuff:
@QString ConfigSistema::getComando(QString servicio, bool on, int id)
QString comando = "null";
QFile instanceFile(getXMLPrincipal());
instanceFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly);QFile xq(":/xquery/xml/xquery/comando.xq");
xq.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly);QXmlQuery query;
query.bindVariable("inputDocument", &instanceFile);
query.bindVariable("servicio", QXmlItem(QVariant(servicio)));
query.bindVariable("on", QXmlItem(QVariant(on)));
query.bindVariable("id", QXmlItem(QVariant(id)));if(xq.isOpen()){
query.setQuery(&xq, QUrl::fromLocalFile(xq.fileName()));QXmlResultItems res; query.evaluateTo(&res); QXmlItem item(res.next()); while (!item.isNull()) { if (item.isAtomicValue()) { QVariant v = item.toAtomicValue(); if(v.type() == QVariant::String){ comando = v.toString(); qDebug() << "getComando()" << comando; } } item = res.next(); }
} else
qDebug() << "not opened" << xq.fileName();xq.close();
instanceFile.close();return comando;
}@After running this method, item is always null when it is supossed to be atomic value containing the expected string.
I found the problem, I was giving an incorrect file name for the xml to be processed.
I changed this line:
@QFile instanceFile(getXMLPrincipal());@I put another fuction as parameter to get the path to the correct file and I got it working.