[SOLVED]Stylesheet - changing background color when text is entered in QLineEdit
in my application i want to highlight mandatory fields when they are empty.
at the moment i'm doing it like this:
MainWindow w;
w.setStyleSheet("*[mandatoryField="true"][text=""] { background-color: yellow }");
//leInput is a QLineEdit
@This hightlights all mandatory fields, which are empty, but when the user enters a text in the field i would like to set the background-color back to normal.
Is it even possible for stylesheets to detect when the text changes?
you will have to do the check by yourself.
As soon as the user changes the text you need to do something like this:
if( ui->leInput->property("mandatoryField").toBool() )
@ -
Check this "doc note":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtwidgets/stylesheet-syntax.html#note-238