QQuickView, QQuickWindow, QOpenGLFramebufferObject
I'm would like to access the QQuickView framebuffer image just afterRendering.
I can add a new QopenGLFramebuuferObject using the AfterRendering slot but it' not what I want.
I would like to export the current QQuickView framebuffer (or access it if possible) to change e.g. the pixels positions.
I tested to add a custom buffer to avoid using the default one but I can't find the way using setRenderTarget.
May you please advise me ?
Skylar -
Looks likes I'm directly with the framebuffer.
Attempting to use the this->renderTarget()->toImage() crash but simply reading the buffer I can have is as in qopenglframebufferobject.cpp
QImage img(width(), height(),QImage::Format_RGB32);
glReadPixels(0,0, width(),height(),GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, img.bits());I was not expecting this way, still have something to understand.
Thank you, this way I think that you grab the window if I'm right.
My final plan is to modify the image prior it's sent to the display driver.
The point I need more to understand now would be ho to corretly specify an other framebuffer than the default one.
Yes you are right however this action is a big performance hit and should be run in a separate thread if possible.
I haven't tried this myself but have a look at this "QQuickWindow::setRenderTarget":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtquick/qquickwindow.html#setRenderTarget. This allows you to set your own custom fbo as the render target for a specific window.
I'm sure you have already thought about this but what about using shaders to achieve pixel/fragment manipulation before rendering?
Ah, yes of course my mistake. Shaders are applied before the final output. But if you want to change the positions of pixels then a pixel shader comes in real handy.
As I've said before I have not played around with setRenderTarget but will give it a go when I have more time. What problems are you facing with this by the way?