NSView in QWidget
I have an application which uses NSTextView. Since QT5 doesnt contain QMacCocoaViewContainer any more, i had to find an other way to set an NSView into a QWidget. This way works in most cases:@
NSView* parentNSView = reinterpret_cast<NSView*>(parent->winId());
[parentNSView addSubview:(NSView*)nsTextView];
@The widget is being displayed correctly. But Qt debugs the message "QBackingStore::flush() called with non-exposed window, behavior is undefined", and there are some problems when the nstextview is part of a docking widget... so I think it is not the right solution. I also tried
create(WId((NSView*)nsTextView), false, true);
@In the QWidget's constructor that contains the NSTextview, but then it is not visible.
Any tips?
Thanks a alot..