Problem with Qt Creator
So, my new empty program Qt GUI Application has 481 lines. Let's take a look maybe you will find something wrong : "Makefile.debug":
Anyway, thanks! -
Well, the answer why your makefile.debug is so long is easy.
qmake includes all required Qt headers as if your source is dependent on changes there. This makes sense when you are changing Qt itself, because the headers might change and the dependent application modules have to be recompiled. However, I have never changed Qt headers since I have started with Qt (maybe version 4.2 or so).
This behavior blows up the makefile, but is not required for standard users. Must be a leftover of the recent introduction of Qt 5. While bringing it on its way, the Qt developers were changing the headers and so it was required. In general, this should not cause the problems you have.Checking the compile command and flags, those make sense to me. I did not see major differences when comparing to an empty QApplication project based on Qt4.8.4.
As indicated above, I am not using Qt 5 yet. However, I assume that this might be an issue of Qt creator setup on Windows 7 32 bit, but i am out of ideas.
I am trying to trigger one more knowledgable on Qt creator setup.
I never heard anybody running into creator not starting yet.
Do you have other mingw installed in addition to the one from Qt? Having two mingw in the PATH can cause trouble on windows.
I don't think so. Creator takes quite a lot of resources when parsing/searching code, but not to start up.
[quote author="LooQ" date="1363628925"]
EDIT : I installed just Qt Creator 2.6.2 for Windows and it's works! In settings I added patch to Libs Qt and MinGW but now I have a error compiling. Let's take a look :@
D:/Qt/Qt5.0.1/Tools/MinGW/bin/mingw32-make -f Makefile.Debug
mingw32-make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/Qt/Hello2/Hi2-build-Desktop_Qt_5_0_1_MinGW_32bit-Debug'
g++ -c -pipe -fno-keep-inline-dllexport -g -frtti -Wall -Wextra -fexceptions -mthreads -DUNICODE -DQT_QML_DEBUG -DQT_DECLARATIVE_DEBUG -DQT_WIDGETS_LIB -DQT_GUI_LIB -DQT_CORE_LIB -DQT_OPENGL_ES_2 -DQT_OPENGL_ES_2_ANGLE -DQT_NEEDS_QMAIN -I../Hi2 -I'../../Qt5.0.1/5.0.1/mingw47_32/include' -I'../../Qt5.0.1/5.0.1/mingw47_32/include/QtWidgets' -I'../../Qt5.0.1/5.0.1/mingw47_32/include/QtGui' -I'../../Qt5.0.1/5.0.1/mingw47_32/include/QtCore' -I'debug' -I'.' -I'.' -I'../../Qt5.0.1/5.0.1/mingw47_32/mkspecs/win32-g++' -o debug/main.o ../Hi2/main.cpp
Makefile.Debug:357: recipe for target 'debug/main.o' failed
mingw32-make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/Qt/Hello2/Hi2-build-Desktop_Qt_5_0_1_MinGW_32bit-Debug'
makefile:34: recipe for target 'debug' failed
mingw32-make[1]: *** [debug/main.o] Error 1
mingw32-make: *** [debug] Error 2
20:15:07: The process "D:\Qt\Qt5.0.1\Tools\MinGW\bin\mingw32-make.exe" exited with code 2.
Error while building/deploying project Hi2 (kit: Desktop Qt 5.0.1 MinGW 32bit)
When executing step 'Make'
@Any ideas what's now could be wrong?[/quote]
at Tobias The startup issue has been solved by LooQ through additional and reinstallation of Qt creator.
However, the next strange thing had popped up. -
koahnig: I read that, I just do not know enough about windows to analyze this.
at Tobias: Sorry, I thought you have skipped while browsing.
The error message does not make sense to me either. It reads like a mingw32-make problem.
at LooQ:
It looks we are running out of options.This is now more wild guessing than sound information. As you stated your HW is a bit "antique" I have no glue if there is an incompatibility with mingw on your HW. However, we could do a short test.
open "cmd.exe" (the DOS prompt).
g++ --version
it might tell you already the version of the compiler. Which means that the bin folder is part of your path setting. make a path setting with
set path=D:/Qt/Qt5.0.1/Tools/MinGW/bin
you can check the version again.create a folder and navigate with the dos prompt to the folder. Create a file called main.cpp with content:
#include <iostream>using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "Hello World!" << endl;
return 0;
@You should be able to compile with following command:
g++ main.cpp
If successful there should be an exe called a.exe and it should write the string.Finally let see, if there is really a problem with mingw32-make.
You can start this with:
mingw32-make main
It should generate now a main.exe which should work as well.Again, this is wild guessing.
You are right, something is wrong with MinGW. When I open cmd shell and go to D:/Qt/Qt5.0.1/Tools/MinGW/bin, then I can check version of g++ and it shows me :
@g++ (Built by MinGW-builds project) 4.7.2 ... etc.@And it seems to be good but when I tried to do step by step what you wrote - somethings goes wrong. I created simple "Hello World" program in D:/Qt/Qt5.0.1/Tools/MinGW/bin, and when I tried to run :
@g++ main.cpp@Error window appears saying:
@"Program cc1plus.exe has stopped working. Windows is checking solution ..... " @So this is not just wild guessing, something is wrong with it. I checked on my friend's computer and I did exactly the same steps and it works perfectly. In last step I had main.exe.
This could be the solution for my problem. Now how can I fix it?
Interesting ! ? ! :-(
It may be
- the HW
- the compiler with your HW
- the installation
Probably one can continue the list with more guesses.
Personally I would reinstall Qt SDK again. However, you have done that already at the beginning.
You could just reinstall MinGW4.7.2, but you may pick up some incompatibilities, if the compile models are not the same.You could use your msvc2012 setup. However, this requires a complete build of Qt 5.0.1 because a pre-build with msvc2012 is not available. On an old machine this might take quite a bit of time. On more recent HW it takes typically a couple of hours to compile.
Compilation with msvc2012 had some issues. I am not sure if those are solved. You need to browse through this forum to find out.You could download a previous version of MinGW (eg. 4.6.2) and check, if the compiler does work. However, you need to recompile Qt yourself.
You could revert to Qt4.8.4 and its prebuild for MinGW. The prebuild is based on MinGW 4.4 which is a pretty old version. This might help in case of an exotic issue based on combination new MinGW compilers with your old HW. However, you to check this forum where to download the MinGW compiler. It is no longer downloadable as an official MinGW distribution. However, that is managable. At least it would save yourself the compilation of complete Qt libs.
There might be more options. However, it is hard to know, which one will succeed.
Certainly new HW would help to circumvent all this.
It is all your choice.