How to change default highlight color of ListView in QML?
[quote author="mbrasser" date="1344221445"]Can you post the QML you are using for your ListView with highlight?[/quote]
Here are my codes for the ListView
@ ListView {
id: list1
anchors {
left: parent.left
right: parent.right
bottom: parent.bottom
topMargin: header.height + headBar.height + (window.height > 640 ? 270 : 210)
clip: true
// highlight: Rectangle {width: parent.width; color: "DarkRed"}
model: products1
delegate: listDelegate1
}@without the highlight set manually, the default color is blue. i have a lot of listView and i would like to change it all to red when selected, as the theme is red.
[quote author="honeyhong" date="1344223382"]
without the highlight set manually, the default color is blue. i have a lot of listView and i would like to change it all to red when selected, as the theme is red.[/quote]Is this blue color perhaps coming from listDelegate1? (I don't think ListView should have any highlight component by default)
Is it? well i definitely didnt set anything.
@ ListView {
id: list1
anchors {
left: parent.left
right: parent.right
bottom: parent.bottom
topMargin: header.height + headBar.height + (window.height > 640 ? 270 : 210)
clip: true
// highlight: Rectangle {width: parent.width; color: "DarkRed"}
model: products1
delegate: listDelegate1
}Component { id: listDelegate1 Products1Item{ icon_p1_item: icon1; category_p1_item: category1 onClicked: { Util.log("Clicked on " + products2 + " product1") Util.log("Selected feed item" + products2); pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("Products2.qml"),{itemUrl2:products2, itemTitle2:category1}) } } }@
Hey mbrasser, really? I didn't know that. However, I tested like you said, replaced listDelegate1 with simple Text, yeah there is blue color showing. In my Products1Item, I did not set any color when pressed, only the settings for the text to show out.
In all my ListView, when selected, there are blue color highlight, even though I did not set any highlight.
What about Back button? The back button also have default blue color when selected.@//Products1Item
ListItem {
id: container
property string icon_p1_item: "no ICON"
property string category_p1_item: "no CATEGORY"signal clicked width: parent.width height: Math.max(54, Math.max((icon.itemTextHeight),(category.itemTextHeight))) clip: true
Image {
id: icon
property int itemTextHeight: height + anchors.topMargin + anchors.bottomMargin
source: container.icon_p1_item
width: window.width > 360 ? 160 : 140
height: window.height > 640 ? 120 : 100
}Text {
id: category
property int itemTextHeight: height + anchors.topMargin + anchors.bottomMargin
font {
family: "Helvetica"
bold: false
font.pixelSize: window.height > 640 ? 30 : 23;
color: "white"
text: container.category_p1_item
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
}@ -
Here's a very simple ListView example -- this one should not show any blue highlights:
ListView {
width: 400; height: 400
model: 10
delegate: Text { text: "item " + index }
@The blue highlight is most likely coming from the ListItem. See for example the documentation here:
I'm not very familiar with Qt Components, but they may provide some method of styling/theming that would allow you to change the default highlight color.
if I understanding your question right, you want to change the selected item background.
in that case why not using the highlight property in the ListView as follow
Component {
id: my_highlight
Rectangle {
width: 180; height: 40
color: "red";
}ListView {
id: list1
width: 180; height: 200
model: ContactModel {}
delegate: Text { text: name }highlight: my_highlight highlightFollowsCurrentItem: false focus: true
@or if you use stylesheet in your application try adding
background-color: rgb(222,239,242);
} -
[quote author="lahianim" date="1344512535"]if I understanding your question right, you want to change the selected item background.
in that case why not using the highlight property in the ListView as follow
Component {
id: my_highlight
Rectangle {
width: 180; height: 40
color: "red";
}ListView {
id: list1
width: 180; height: 200
model: ContactModel {}
delegate: Text { text: name }highlight: my_highlight highlightFollowsCurrentItem: false focus: true
@or if you use stylesheet in your application try adding
background-color: rgb(222,239,242);
Thank you for your reply. Yeah that is what I want. Because I have a lot of listView in my app. So wondering if there is any method that I could use to change all of it at once. I do not use style sheet, however I can give it a try. :)
i think the better way to do it is to "inherits" the ListView and set the highlight to be as you wish and from now on use your class instead of the QML ListView.
somethink like:MyListView.qml
@property int mItemWidth : 0
property int mItemHeight : 0ListView{
id: my_listView
highlight: my_highlight
}Component {
id: my_highlight
Rectangle {
width: mItemWidth;
height: mItemHeight;
color: "red";
and now when you want to use a ListView include the MyListView.qml file
and use the MyListView
id: my_ListView
width: 180
height: 200
mItemWidth: 180
mItemHeight: 40
model: my_model
delegate: my_delegate
and that all