Eclipse with Qt
I get the following error from a Qt eclipse project: Program "make" not found in PATH (see below image)
! "make" not found in PATH)!
I have installed Qt SDK 1.2.1, Eclipse CDT, Qt Eclipse Integration Tool using Qt 4.8.1. When I open up the project properties and look under "C++ Make Project", under the "Environment" tab I find this setting. It reads:
Question Updated: 7-21-12
I am pretty sure I found the issue and a way to fix this. I haven't had the time to review the thread completely but this is my issue with the known problem which only exist for Windows. Here is the thread for anyone till I can review and post a answer to this. -> "Qt Forum":
Brandon Clark
You need the Qt Eclipse integration -
[quote author="GrahamL" date="1342423165"]You need the Qt Eclipse integration[/quote]I do.
[quote author="weblife" date="1342370765"]I have installed Qt SDK 1.2.1, Eclipse CDT, Qt Eclipse Integration Tool using Qt 4.8.1.
I am just guessing since I never used Eclipse on windows: Is there a "make" in your PATH?
[quote author="Tobias Hunger" date="1342462363"]I am just guessing since I never used Eclipse on windows: Is there a "make" in your PATH?[/quote]
I have been trying to figure out what this make is, far as I can tell no. Is it a make file generator, compiler thing or possibly a link to the application that is being compiled.
[quote author="GrahamL" date="1342445950"]then you should you should be able to see an option to create a Qt project[/quote]
Qt plugins and lib links work fine. Its just this one thing. I can compile a normal C++ Hello World app with no issues.