QByteArray class input to function - pass by reference or pass by value???
When passing a QByteArray variable to a function, is the variable pass by reference or pass by value?
I have the following code in my program:
// global variable
QByteArray RX_Buffer;// In one of my function, I am passing RX_Buffer to a function
bool ParseMessage (QByteArray data, QByteArray rx_data)
// state machine processing to populate values to rx_data
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
rx_data[i] = (quint8)i;
bool cls_ElectricityMeter::ReadDemo()
ParseMessage(TX_Buffer, RX_Buffer);
return false;
@At the return point of ReadDemo function, RX_Buffer.data() does not contain the populated values from ParseMessage. Am I doing something wrong?
If you want to change your method parameter you should pass it by reference (i.e. with &). In your case implicitly shared copy created at method call and after first assign sharing breaks.