[Solved] Closing a dialog with a timer.
thanks brother. thanks a lot. my problem is solved................
please tell me the following things:- how to pass value from a lineedit in gui to the backend database for storage
- how to start a new thread in the community
- how to use setParent() function
bq. 1) how to pass value from a lineedit in gui to the backend database for storage
lineedit will have a method text() to return whatever entered in lineedit - use this to send to backend database
bq. 2) how to start a new thread in the community
Under Forums -> Qt Development -> General and Desktop -> "Start new discussion":http://qt-project.org/forums/viewforum/10/
bq. 3) how to use setParent() function
Warning: It is very unlikely that you will ever need this function - If you can set the parent while creation, that will be okay.
thank a lot for the suggestion. but i have already tried this out. i give mu coding for the form below:
#include "mydialog.h"
#include "ui_mydialog.h"
#include <QtCore>
#include <QtGui>
#include <QtSql>
#include "mydialog30.h"MyDialog::MyDialog(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::MyDialog)
delete ui;
}void MyDialog::on_pushButton_5_clicked()
if((ui->lineEdit_13->isModified())&& (ui->lineEdit_14->isModified())&&(ui->lineEdit_15->isModified())&&(ui->lineEdit_16->isModified())&&(ui->lineEdit_17->isModified())&& (ui->lineEdit_18->isModified()))
QSqlDatabase db= QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE");
QSqlQuery q;
q.exec("create table tab1(name char(10),branch char(5),dob char(6),contact number(10),email_id char(10),address char(10));");
QString name= ui->lineEdit_14->text();
QString branch= ui->lineEdit_13->text();
QString date= ui->lineEdit_15->text();
QString cnct =ui->lineEdit_16->text();
QString email= ui->lineEdit_17->text();
QString addrss= ui->lineEdit_18->text();
q.exec("insert into tab1 values('ui->lineEdit_14->text()','ui->lineEdit_13->text()','ui->lineEdit_15->text()','ui->lineEdit_16->text()','ui->lineEdit_17->text()','ui->lineEdit_18->text()');");
user_data d;
MyDialog30 m;
here the problem is that the input is getting accepted perfectly well on using text() function of line edit. but when i am passing it into the database & displaying the output, the output is not being displayed. i am posting here the coding for my form showing the output also here:
#include "user_data.h"
#include "ui_user_data.h"
user_data::user_data(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::user_data)
delete ui;
}void user_data::on_pushButton_clicked()
MyDialog28 m;
}void user_data::on_pushButton_2_clicked()
void user_data::on_pushButton_3_clicked()
QSqlDatabase db= QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE");
this->model= new QSqlQueryModel();
model->setQuery("select * from tab1");
please help me out on how i can store a value of text entered through line edit into my backend database.[Edit: @ tags; mlong]
sure sir. i will. please tell the solution to my problem.
bq. please tell the solution to my problem
I don't have an answer, myself, but I promise that making demands such as that is considered rude and will not help you get an answer faster.
Please see http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html for advice on how to get the best results. Thanks.
sorry sir for my bit of impatient behavior. i had absolutely no intention like this. i have actually tried out the suggestions posted. they actually did not work.
Try the below
QString name= ui->lineEdit_14->text();
QString branch= ui->lineEdit_13->text();
QString date= ui->lineEdit_15->text();
QString cnct =ui->lineEdit_16->text();
QString email= ui->lineEdit_17->text();
QString addrss= ui->lineEdit_18->text();
QString query = QString("INSERT INTO 'tab1' VALUES('%1','%2','%3','%4','%5','%6')").arg(name).arg(branch).arg(date).arg(cnct).arg(email).arg(addrss);
q.exec( query );
@I would strongly suggest you to go through the documentation for "QString":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/QString.html. Infact you can click on the source code [highlighted with GREEN color] to go to the documentation page.
thank you sir. the code has worked. i was actually having a problem that i was trying to connect to the database using same connection that i have used ahead in my project. i had to change the connection also. now the code works fine.
sure. i do it now