[SOLVED]not getting the right information from QTableView
hi everyone when i execute this code
@void ExportData::on_agregar_clicked()
QModelIndexList rows_selected = this->ui->table_busqueda->selectionModel ()->selectedRows ();foreach (QModelIndex index, rows_selected){ int row = this->ui->table_agregados->rowCount (); this->ui->table_agregados->insertRow (row); QTableWidgetItem *copia = new QTableWidgetItem (this->ui->table_busqueda->model ()->data (index).toString ()); this->ui->table_agregados->setItem (row, index.column (), copia); QPoint punto_precio = QPoint (index.row (), 1+index.column ()); QModelIndex i_precio = QModelIndex (this->ui->table_busqueda->indexAt (punto_precio)); QTableWidgetItem *precio = new QTableWidgetItem (this->ui->table_busqueda->model ()->data (i_precio).toString ()); qDebug () << this->ui->table_busqueda->model ()->data (this->ui->table_busqueda->indexAt (QPoint (index.row (), index.column ()+1))).toInt (); qDebug () << this->ui->table_busqueda->indexAt (punto_precio).column (); this->ui->table_agregados->setItem (row, index.column ()+1, precio); }
both QTableWidgetItems have the same data because the index is the same even though i change the column ()+1....seems that when i execute indexAt i recieve the index (row, 0) when i should be receiving (row, 1)...and i dont know how to solve it.
The idea is just to copy field1, field2 from the selected row to anothe table i have in the same widget...apologies for my english...
SOLUTION: the problem was at IndexAt () read the documentation but still dont know why...anyways changed to:
@void ExportData::on_agregar_clicked()
QModelIndexList rows_selected = this->ui->table_busqueda->selectionModel ()->selectedRows ();
foreach (QModelIndex index, rows_selected){
int row = this->ui->table_agregados->rowCount ();
this->ui->table_agregados->insertRow (row);
QTableWidgetItem *copia = new QTableWidgetItem (this->ui->table_busqueda->model ()->data (index).toString ());
this->ui->table_agregados->setItem (row, index.column (), copia);
QTableWidgetItem *precio = new QTableWidgetItem (this->ui->table_busqueda->model ()->data (this->ui->table_busqueda->model ()->index (index.row (), index.column ()+1)).toString ());
this->ui->table_agregados->setItem (row, index.column ()+1, precio);
double precio_caja = precio->text ().toDouble () * 6;
QString precio_string;
precio_string.setNum (precio_caja, 'g', 6);
this->ui->table_agregados->setItem (row, index.column ()+2, new QTableWidgetItem (precio_string));
}@and works just fine! hope it serves someone