[Solved] Qwt Build (static) success. Now a linking problem.
I have built the Qwt libraries statically successfully and I have the static libraries in a sub folder lib in my build folder (and in my project folder). there is 4 files in the lib folder, qwt.lib (3700kb), qwtd.lib (9200kb), qwtmathml.lib (1200kb), and qwtmathmld.lib (966kb)
I am unable to add a QwtPlot to my project even with the libraries linked... heres my .pro include
qwt plot library
win32 { # windows
CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
LIBS += -Llib\qwtd
else {
LIBS += -Llib\qwt
unix { # linux
LIBS += -L/usr/local/lib -lqwt-qt4
LIBS += -L/usr/local/lib -lQtSvg
@I try to include a QwtPlot in my project and it does not recognize the object...
Any help on this matter? I feel like there is something simple wrong and its on the tip of my nose...
I am doing this in windows, not linux. When i downloaded qwt, my qwt-6.0.1 download folder has a folder structure of:
textengines/the src folder does not have an "include" folder.
when I built the library statically, it added files to the lib folder in the download folder containing the static.lib files. I have moved the source code to C:/Qt/Qwt/src folder.
I have tried to make an include path in my .pro file linking to the that folder and am getting a ton of linking errors, which leads me to think that its not picking up the libraries correctly.
Heres my new .pro (one line code change)
@library include path
INCLUDEPATH += C:/Qt/Qwt/srcqwt plot library
win32 { # windows
CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
LIBS += -Llib\qwtd
else {
LIBS += -Llib\qwt
unix { # linux
LIBS += -L/usr/local/lib -lqwt-qt4
LIBS += -L/usr/local/lib -lQtSvg
@ -
I apologize for the confusion, what I am trying to do is make is so I have the libraries my application folder and my application calls into the libraries instead of having them built into my executable. Which I though I was doing by including the library path.