Hello, i'm developping a software that use web pages grouped together to form a package and there's 4 packs.
I'm uncluding this package in the software ressources, so the question is instead of compiling 4 différent application for the 4 different package how can i develop a system that can update my software and include the package directly in the ressources ?
thank you for answearing to my question. -
"How to Create Qt Plugins":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/plugins-howto.html
I am not sure I understood the question fully, but we use the "installer framework":http://qt.gitorious.org/installer-framework to install lots of different applications in the Qt SDK.
Searching on the net i figured out that if i include my web pages with the exe i will not be able to modifie it so no instead of that i will left the web page grouped and clear on the hard drive but they will be crypted. So the question is : is there any good idea to begin with this methode or is there any other aproche to secure my ressources ?
Have you read link? If you include your resources with the separate dll build as a plugin you will be able to modify this resources through replacing this plugin.
But there is such thing as Resource Hacker. It can modify resources even if they are built-in. So if you're really need to forbid modifying than yes, you have to use some encryption.