Can someone explain this little gem to me?
Qt Creator 2.4.1 on Suse/KDE Linux
When I try to start the Valgrind memory analyzer, I get the following message:
"You are trying to run the tool "Valgrind Memory Analyzer" on an application in Release mode.
The tool is designed to be used in Release mode.Do you want to continue and run it in Release mode?"
What is the question?
Do you have trouble parsing the message? It basically says: Use a debug build!
With release build there is no way to map a address in the program back to the source code, so valgrind can only output "something is wrong at 0xdeadbeef" while with a debug build it can say "something is wrong in main.cpp line 42".
What is the point of this message box?
See updated message...
I quote:
bq. The tool is designed to be used in Release mode.
...and this is not a typo by me.
Best would be to open a bug report on the "bugtracker": - this way the devs get the attention. I'm pretty sure that typo will be fixed in the next version then :)
I guess it should have read [quote]The tool is designed to be used in Debug mode.[/quote] and Tobias misread and thought it actually said that. Indeed, please open a bugreport, or better yet, send a submit a patch for Qt Creator. It can't be hard to find this mistake in the source of Creator.
Oh, I have misread the message, damn:-)
Oh, I do know this "I read what it's supposed to say" thing...
Posted a bug report.