Erroneous this-Pointer in QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this,...)
Hello people,
I have a XML_Parser class which is defined as following
@class XML_Parser : public QWidget
XML_Parser(QWidget*, Client*);
@and its corresponding sourcefile...
XML_Parser::XML_Parser(QWidget *parent, Client *t_client) : QWidget(parent) {}void XML_Parser::readXMLFile() {
QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("XML-File"), "C:\path", tr("XML-Files(*.xml)"));xml_File = new QFile(fileName);
}@So when I instantiate a XML_Parser Object in the parent class:
@if (!client) xml_PLR = new XML_Parser(this, client);@and back in the XML_Parser-Class I call readXMLFile():
Here, the this-pointer in QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("XML-File"), "C:\path", tr("XML-Files(*.xml)")); is erroneous, as you can see in the following screenshot (Breakpoint in qfiledialog_win.cpp)..
What am I doing wrong?
Murat -
Try: and then enlarge please.
In qfiledialog_win.cpp:
@QString qt_win_get_open_file_name(const QFileDialogArgs &args,
QString *initialDirectory,
QString *selectedFilter)@
the args.parent is erroneous thus @modal_widget.setParent(args.parent, Qt::Window);@
throws an error.Note: The parent derives from QObject, not QWidget!
[quote author="Andre" date="1330421623"]Is there a reason you do all your work in the constructor of your XML_Parser class?[/quote]
What do you mean with all the work, exactly?
The constructor sets two pointers: QWidget *parent and a Client *t_client , only.
The readXMLFile method is called later.. -
Ah, sorry, I missed the new method start readXMLFile, I guess because you left it out of the header you showed. My bad. I did not read careful enough.
Would you be able to create and share a minimal, yet complete and compilable example that shows this behaviour?
[quote author="Andre" date="1330422338"]Ah, sorry, I missed the new method start readXMLFile, I guess because you left it out of the header you showed. My bad. I did not read careful enough.[/quote] Never mind!
[quote author="Andre" date="1330422338"]Would you be able to create and share a minimal, yet complete and compilable example that shows this behaviour? [/quote] I was keen to do that, but the minimal compilable example worked perfectly (no extrernal *.dll as described below).
On account of this, I have another guess: I have to use an external *.dll (no source available). When I start my application without that *.dll everything works fine, thus I'll contact the DLL-Vendor and post my results asap.
Anyway, If you can think of anything else, please drop me a line ;)
Thank you for your assistance.