[ SOLVED ]Problem in getting mouseEvent on QTableWidget
Now i am able to get the co-ordinates from mouse press & release event
if( object == ui->TableWidget->viewport() )
QMouseEvent mouseEvent = static_cast <QMouseEvent>( event );
qDebug()<<"MouseButtonPress event!@"<<mouseEvent->x()<<":"<<mouseEvent->y();QTableWidgetItem *item = ui->TableWidget->currentItem(); // qDebug()<<"ITEMS !@"<<item->row()<<":"<<item->column();
//This line is not working ..my app is getting crashing ..saying that ..No value found in "item"
Is there any other to get the QTableWidget row & column value using mouse event other than X & Y
co-ordinates.... -
[quote author="M_31" date="1316014954"]Now i am able to get the co-ordinates from mouse press & release event
if( object == ui->TableWidget->viewport() )
QMouseEvent mouseEvent = static_cast <QMouseEvent>( event );
qDebug()<<"MouseButtonPress event!@"<<mouseEvent->x()<<":"<<mouseEvent->y();QTableWidgetItem *item = ui->TableWidget->currentItem(); // qDebug()<<"ITEMS !@"<<item->row()<<":"<<item->column();
//This line is not working ..my app is getting crashing ..saying that ..No value found in "item"
Is there any other to get the QTableWidget row & column value using mouse event other than X & Y
co-ordinates....[/quote]No, it is not.
The only way is to use "indexAt":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/qabstractitemview.html#indexAt
Hello i have one question :
@bool Widget::eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event){
if (object == ui->tableWidget->viewport()){
QMouseEvent mouseEvent = static_cast<QMouseEvent>(event);
if (mouseEvent->button()==2){
messaggio = new QMessageBox;
messaggio->information(this,tr("Packing"),tr("Tasto destro schiacciato"),messaggio->Ok);
}@Why the message is open two time when i click the right button?
it is called for mousepress and mouserelease... :-)
and you even do not check, which one is called...@
bool Widget::eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event)
if (object == ui->tableWidget->viewport())
QMouseEvent mouseEvent = static_cast<QMouseEvent>(event);
if ((QEvent::MouseButtonPress == event->type()) && (mouseEvent->button()==Qt::RightButton))
messaggio = new QMessageBox;
messaggio->information(this,tr("Packing"),tr("Tasto destro schiacciato"),messaggio->Ok);
@Additionally, I suggest not to use magic numbers, if there are enums that can be used...
Hi, everyone!
I had a similar problem and used a similiar approach to it, but I faced an obstacle when used method QTableWidget::itemAt: it uses coordinates relative to the left upper corner of data cells and doesn't take to account header cells!
So, when I transformed global coordiantes to the widget's ones via QWidget::mapFromGlobal I obtained not what I needed at all!
It gave me coordinates relative to the left upper corner of the widget itself, not the data cells.
How can I obtain the proper coordinates?I wanted to try methods QTableView::horizontalOffset() and QTableView::verticalOffset(), but they are protected :(
(Sorry for my English, it's not my native language)[quote author="Gerolf" date="1316016131"]
No, it is not.The only way is to use "indexAt":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/qabstractitemview.html#indexAt[/quote]
Hi, everyone!
I had a similar problem and used a similiar approach to it, but I faced an obstacle when used method QTableWidget::itemAt: it uses coordinates relative to the left upper corner of data cells and doesn't take to account header cells!
So, when I transformed global coordiantes to the widget's ones via QWidget::mapFromGlobal I obtained not what I needed at all!
It gave me coordinates relative to the left upper corner of the widget itself, not the data cells.
How can I obtain the proper coordinates?I wanted to try methods QTableView::horizontalOffset() and QTableView::verticalOffset(), but they are protected :(
(Sorry for my English, it's not my native language)[quote author="Gerolf" date="1316016131"]
No, it is not.The only way is to use "indexAt":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/qabstractitemview.html#indexAt[/quote]
Thank you, that's what I need!
Sorry I failed to find it myself...I guess it would be advisable to add a link to viewport() member into QTableWidgetItem::itemAt() documentation.
[quote author="Andre" date="1421132571"]Well, as you can see from the QAbstractScrollArea documentation, of which QTableWidget is derived, the actual scrolling area is provided by a widget called viewport. That widget can be also be used for your coordinate transformations.[/quote]
Thank you, that's what I need!
Sorry I failed to find it myself...I guess it would be advisable to add a link to viewport() member into QTableWidgetItem::itemAt() documentation.
[quote author="Andre" date="1421132571"]Well, as you can see from the QAbstractScrollArea documentation, of which QTableWidget is derived, the actual scrolling area is provided by a widget called viewport. That widget can be also be used for your coordinate transformations.[/quote]