[Solved] Questions about QAbstractItemModel and Q(List/Tree)View
I am back!
Thank you all for helping me guys! I managed to do what I wanted by overriding QAbstractProxyModel::mapToSource() and QAbstractProxyModel::mapFromSource() methods. It wasn't that hard after all! I just needed to understand good how the whole thing works! I did a simple implementation and it works fine! Hopefully I won't encounter any other difficulties now! Thanks again!
I had a similar issue. I solved it by using KDescendantsProxyModel from KDE. Other than commenting out two lines related to kdebug() and including kbihash_p.h, it worked great. :-)
source: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdepimlibs/akonadi/?pathrev=1217600
api-ref: http://api.kde.org/4.6-api/kdepimlibs-apidocs/akonadi/html/classKDescendantsProxyModel.html -
Hey Bekos
I have same thing to do for my work
@And I want to list the leaf items in the QListView:
@could you please help me out how could you solve this problem or share any peace of code for it
I would adapt the KDescendantsProxyModel class referenced above for that. You can add a new role NodeLevelRole, and have the data() method return an integer representing the original level. So, in your case, node A and B would return 0 for this role, and A1, A2, B1 and B2 would return 1.
The next step is then to create a simple proxy model that filters based on the NodeLevelRole.
Thanks for reply Andre but i couldn't use these classes for some reasons i have my own implementation of Proxy Model class i have even re implement the filterAcceptsRow function right now if i click on A from above mention then all child of A will be shown in QList View and i have added search box in list view there i can type A1 so all A1 will be visible in list view and rest will be not but i need to show all child at one point of click say ALL so seeking for the work around for it
For your reference my current implementation
bool MySortFilterProxyModel::filterAcceptsRow(int sourceRow,const QModelIndex &sourceParent) const
QModelIndex index = sourceModel()->index(sourceRow, 0, sourceParent);
QString checkStr = sourceModel()->data(index, Qt::DisplayRole).toString();
return ShowThis(index);
}bool MySortFilterProxyModel::ShowThis(const QModelIndex index) const
bool retVal = false;
//Gives you the info for number of childs with a parent
if ( sourceModel()->rowCount(index) > 0 )
for( int nChild = 0; nChild < sourceModel()->rowCount(index); nChild++)
QModelIndex childIndex = sourceModel()->index(nChild,0,index);
if ( ! childIndex.isValid() )
retVal = ShowThis(childIndex);
if (retVal)
QModelIndex useIndex = sourceModel()->index(index.row(), 0, index.parent());
QString type = sourceModel()->data(useIndex, Qt::DisplayRole).toString();
//qDebug()<<"type is "<<type;
if ( ! type.contains(filterRegExp()))
retVal = false;
retVal = true;
return retVal;
@Edit: Please use @ tags around code sections; Andre
Sorry for that i have first time post here so don't know this, i will take care of this from next time
I will not use these KDescendantsProxyModel class for some reasons,
I have my own implementation of Proxy Model class, & re-implement already filterAcceptsRow
function for filter specific to parent in QListView.I have QAbstractItemModel implementation which share in two view [ QTreeView & QListView]
Scenario - 1
Click on QTreeView any of parent item i emit the signal and set root index of list view with that clicked index so all child with respect to that parent will show in list view.There is search box [QLineEdit] in which i type any char so according to this list view hide and show the items.
......This works fine for me
Now i have combo box in list view which contains list of parent items of tree view with check box
and ALL option as well , so when click on particular parent item and check it true in that combo box from list view it will fetch that child items from list view as i mention above set root index to list view and show them in list.But when i click on ALL i need to get all child's to list in list view but i can set root index to list view only one , ........ so how could it possible ?
Also if i seek tree view root and find index of it and set it to list view then it will list the all parent items instead of it i will try to list all child's of that all parent items to be list.
For that search box implementation please look that code
bool MySortFilterProxyModel::filterAcceptsRow(int sourceRow,const QModelIndex &sourceParent) const
QModelIndex index = sourceModel()->index(sourceRow, 0, sourceParent);
QString checkStr = sourceModel()->data(index, Qt::DisplayRole).toString();
return ShowThis(index);
}bool MySortFilterProxyModel::ShowThis(const QModelIndex index) const
bool retVal = false;
//Gives you the info for number of childs with a parent
if ( sourceModel()->rowCount(index) > 0 )
for( int nChild = 0; nChild < sourceModel()->rowCount(index); nChild++)
QModelIndex childIndex = sourceModel()->index(nChild,0,index);
if ( ! childIndex.isValid() )
retVal = ShowThis(childIndex);
if (retVal)
QModelIndex useIndex = sourceModel()->index(index.row(), 0, index.parent());
QString type = sourceModel()->data(useIndex, Qt::DisplayRole).toString();
//qDebug()<<"type is "<<type;
if ( ! type.contains(filterRegExp()))
retVal = false;
retVal = true;
return retVal;
@also i have tried with passing something like this proxy model
void ModelBrowser::mbUpdateListViewForFilterChanged( QString filterString )
if(filterString == "ALL")
QRegExp rx("[A-Za-z_]+([A-Za-z_0-9]*)");
QRegExp::PatternSyntax syntax = QRegExp::RegExp;Qt::CaseSensitivity caseSensitivity = Qt::CaseInsensitive;
QString strPattern = "^" + filterString;
QRegExp regExp(strPattern, caseSensitivity);proxy->setFilterRegExp(regExp);
@but still it didn't work .....
Prashant -
Hello pmoglaikar,
Unfortunately I won't be able to help much. I deleted the code of my iplementation a week after writing it. And since then, I never touched Qt again. :( As a result I remember almost nothing. What I remember is that in order to flatten my tree to a view (i.e. list only the child nodes ignoring all parents) I had to use QAbstractProxyModel::mapToSource() and QAbstractProxyModel::mapFromSource(). What you actually do in these methods is to "translate" a QModelIndex to another QModelIndex. A1 and B1 in the Tree have both Row id 0. But in the list they have row id 0 and 2 respectively. Override functions above to do this "translation".
Keep in mind that there is a high chance I am talking nosense. I don't remember much. I haven't touched Qt for a while now.Cheers,
George[quote author="pmoglaikar" date="1335428929"]Hey Bekos
I have same thing to do for my work
@And I want to list the leaf items in the QListView:
@could you please help me out how could you solve this problem or share any peace of code for it
Thanks [/quote]
Hi Andre,
Any help now i am still struggling to get it done ?
Prashant -
Hi Andre,
Any help now i am still struggling to get it done ?
[quote author="Andre" date="1335508912"]Could you please re-phrase your question, this time using punctuation and separate sentences? I have a very hard time reading your question. Note that I have added some @ tags around your code to make that readable. Please do that yourself next time.[/quote]