How to add custom row in QFileSystemModel?
I am using QFileSystemModel to represent file structure through the QTreView. Everything works fine, but I need to add an additional row at some level of the tree. For example for now is:
All these rows mapping folders/files from file system. I need:
--custom row
So custom row is not representing any data from file system. I just need to add here my own data. I have read a lot of stuff from the internet and people advice to use proxy model and reimplement rowCount(), data() and flags() functions. I tried to do that(used class derived from QSortFilterProxyModel), but I never get my row in data() and flags() functions. Seems like it takes count from source model.
@QVariant AddonFilterModel::data (const QModelIndex & index, int role) const
if(role == Qt::DisplayRole && index.row() == FilterModel::rowCount(index))
return QString("Add-Ons");
}return FilterModel::data(index, role);
Qt::ItemFlags AddonFilterModel::flags(const QModelIndex & index) const
if (!index.isValid())
return 0;if (index.row() == FilterModel::rowCount(index)) { return Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable; } return FilterModel::flags(index);
int AddonFilterModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
int count = FilterModel::rowCount(parent);if(parent == this->getRootIndex()) { return count+1; } return count;
Using class derived from QAbstractProxyModel is not acceptable because I need filtering functions of QSortFilterProxyModel().
Also I have tried to reimplement rowCount() of QFileSystemModel to make changes directly in model but I am getting "array out of range" error from QT code.
I have tried insertRow() method but it is not working. I think because QFileSystemModel is read only.
Did anyone face this problem? Any ideas?
I'm not sure you can add rows using a QSortFilterProxyModel subclass. They are intended for removing rows and reordering rows, I think. If you can make it work using a QAbstractProxyModel subclass, you can always use both classes (QSortFilterProxyModel subclass and QAbstractProxyModel subclass), making one of them use the other as its model.
The problem is(as I said before) that I never get my row in data() and flags() functions. It means that when I reimplement rowCount() function actual row count is not changing. UI reserve space for the extra row but data() and flags() are not processing extra row. So the main question is how to add extra row using QSortFilterProxyModel()?