How to go for quick definition in Qt creator 2.0.1 ?
I am using Qt SDK 1.0.2. It has Qt creartor 2.0.1. Normally the editors have finding quick definition option which we could do using "Ctrl + click" on a function or variable. But here i don't see this. Is it not added to this version of Qt creator? For information, i can't change this SDK as i want to create project for Symian S60 3rd edition handsets.Thank you.
Another query is if i manually install Qt creator updated version then will it conflict with other current SDK components ?
A Qt Creator installed outside of the Qt SDK is mostly separate:
It will not meddle with the Qt versions installed by the SDK, in fact it won't even know they exist till you tell it.
It will use the same user settings as the Qt SDK-provided Qt Creator. So using switching back and forth between a older Creator from the SDK and a newer manually installed one can break your settings. Use "-settingspath /some/path/for/your/settings" to avoid that (works only with Qt Creator > 2.3 IIRC).
Well that sounds helpful. Thank you :)