Qt VS Add-in Integrated Help.
Hi to all here,
i installed Qt Visual Studio Add-In, for use with VS 2010, by building Qt 4.8 from source. I used the instructions presented here:
http://www.holoborodko.com/pavel/2011/02/01/how-to-compile-qt-4-7-with-visual-studio-2010/VS Qt Project Wizard, the debugger, all stuff it seems to be working without any problem. The only thing that i have noticed is that the Qt Help didn't get integrated with VS Help System (the Document Explorer). I know that i can manually run Qt Assistant and get help from there but is really convenient to press F1 within Visual Studio on something and get help on it.
Qt VS Add-In claims that support "Integrated Qt documentation" so i must made something wrong.
Can, please, anyone help me with this ?
Thank you for any help!
I have installed the new vs add-in V1.1.10 the other day. However, I am using it msvc 2005 and have already upgraded a couple of times. I can find these entries in my help, but part of it is useless. The link to Qt classes is broken, I just found out.
You may want to file a bug report on "JIRA":https://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa for your problem.
I just realize that i do not have to build from source and wait 4 hours to complete that task. I can just download the "Qt libraries 4.8.0 for Windows (VS 2010, 275 MB)", run it and then run the Qt Add In and all is set! Still though, no help-integration with Visual Studio...
[quote author="objectref" date="1326576472"]I just realize that i do not have to build from source and wait 4 hours to complete that task. I can just download the "Qt libraries 4.8.0 for Windows (VS 2010, 275 MB)", run it and then run the Qt Add In and all is set! Still though, no help-integration with Visual Studio...[/quote]
The download has been added lately. There might be a stumblestone with the target platform 32 or 64 bit. It is not obvious rightaway what are you downloading. I guess it is 32bit, isn't it?
The installation of vsaddin is no brainer and nothing to observe while running it. I strongly suggest that you are filing a bugreport on "JIRA":https://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa for your problem. When nobody is reporting, there will be nobody paying attention to it.
I have a bug report for the broken links in msvc 2005 on "JIRA":https://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTVSADDINBUG-107
and have added a comment about missing help integration for msvc 2010.