Custom transform origin point during rotation
I am having problems to set a custom transform origin point and rotate an image around it.
That's how I do it now (without success):That's the definition of the image and the state
@Image {
id: image1
smooth: true
source: "image1.png"
}State { name: "rotated" PropertyChanges { target: image1 transformOriginPoint: Qt.point(20, 40) } }@
That's my animation--
loops: Animation.Infinite
running: truePropertyAction { target: image1; property: "transformOriginPoint" } RotationAnimation { target: image1; to: 180; direction: RotationAnimation.Clockwise; duration: 2000} PropertyAction { target: image1; property: "transformOriginPoint" } RotationAnimation { target: image1; to: 0; direction: RotationAnimation.Counterclockwise; duration: 2000 }@
I couldn't find any example in the documentation about custom transform origin points.
see the wheeling indicator on RssNews example "link":
a "number animation" has set to the image "rotate" property.
also take a look at "QML Rotation Element": -
ludde: the image element inherits from item
And item has the transformOriginPointMohsen Mohsen: the rssnews example doesn't use a custom origin point.
But, still no success with the rotation... it doesn't even rotate
That's how I tried it:
@State {
name: "rotated"
PropertyChanges {
target: image1
transformOriginPoint: Qt.point(20, 40)
rotation: 180
}Transition{ RotationAnimation { duration: 2000 direction: RotationAnimation.Clockwise } }@
That's the animation:
loops: Animation.Infinite
running: truePropertyAction { target: rechteck_links; property: "state"; value: "rotated" } }@
And that's the output that I get:
It doesn't make any sense to me.
QColor::setNamedColor: Unknown color name 'rotated'Any Ideas?
Ok finally I solved the problem with the help of the qml mailing list.
That's how it works:
@Image {
anchors.centerIn: parent
source: "qt-logo.png"
transform: Rotation {
id: myRot
SequentialAnimation {
running: true
loops: Animation.Infinite
PropertyAction { target: myRot; property: "origin.x"; value: 0 }
PropertyAction { target: myRot; property: "origin.y"; value: 0 }
NumberAnimation { target: myRot; property: "angle"; to: 180; duration: 2000}
PropertyAction { target: myRot; property: "origin.x"; value: 40 }
PropertyAction { target: myRot; property: "origin.y"; value: 40 }
NumberAnimation { target: myRot; property: "angle"; to: 0; duration: 2000}
@ -
[quote author="qtd1d1" date="1324472112"]
Mohsen Mohsen: the rssnews example doesn't use a custom origin point.
[/quote]RssNews example was a simple face for your demand. The other link has more explained about how to give a custom origin.
BTW, Nice to see your problem has resolved.