QT Creator with Designer [SOLVED]
I actually use VS 2010/VSAddIn, but I think about to switch to Creator. I have on problem with Creator, I cannot promote like native Designer (modified), because I need to derive from QMainWindow and QDialog. On native Designer 4.7.x, I changed \qt\tools\designer\src\lib\shared\promotiontaskmenu.cpp and \qt\tools\designer\src\lib\shared\qdesigner_promotion.cpp, to allow QMainWindow and QDialog are visible in the Promote-Dialog.
In QT Creator Source (designer), I could not found these files. How can I modify source, to achive same behaviour like native Designer ?Regards,
Peter -
Hi, Duck
thank you. I downloaded the sources, and it looks like, that the designer-plugin which is used by QT Creator comes directly from the qt version. So you are right.
I tried to create the Creator in VS2010 and converted the .pro into a QtAddin project, but there must be bugs, because I cannot create it. First problem is precompiled headers.
And I'm not sure, what I really need, when I create it with qmake, I do not want to use the git, I downloaded the zip of 2.4.0.rc and unpacked it into a subdirectory. Do I need perl, when I do not use git ?
PeterSOLVED: Please forget all my questions, qmake && jom did the job. As my english is not so good, I didn't understand the "Readme" in full.....