How to set Visual Studio "Output Directory" : $(OutDir) via *.pro file
i am trying to set the VS2008/2010 Variable "Output Directory" : $(OutDir) which can be found in :
Project Properties -> Configuration Properties -> General -> Output DirectoryI already tried:
@ CONFIG(Debug):DESTDIR = path
CONFIG(Release):DESTDIR = path
CONFIG(Release):OBJECTS_DIR = path@I still get a "." inside this variable.
In the examples there is a path set to "debug" or "release" i tried to track where it was set but failed.Does anyone can help?
Thank you -
do you mean something like this:
change the nama of the binary, if it is build in debug mode
CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
mac: TARGET = $$join(TARGET,,,_debug)
win32: TARGET = $$join(TARGET,,,d)
}#define the directory, where the binary is placed
RCC_DIR = ./tmp
UI_DIR = ./tmpCONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
DESTDIR = ../debug
OBJECTS_DIR = ./tmp/debug
MOC_DIR = ./tmp/moc/debug
else {
DESTDIR = ../release
OBJECTS_DIR = ./tmp/release
MOC_DIR = ./tmp/moc/release