FakeVim clipboard commands?
Hi, I haven't been successful in trying to tell Qt Creator to cut/copy/paste text using the clipboard in FakeVim mode. Ctrl+X/C/V don't work and neither do "+p/y/d or "*p/y/d. I have to go to the Edit menu. Also there's the possibility of binding :paste, :cut and :copy ex commands, but that's just quirky. Is there something else I'm missing or should I file a bugreport?
Qt Creator 2.1.0 @ Ubuntu
Oh, I'm sorry, didn't mind it...
But, if you let fakevim bypass control keystrokes (there is an option there in settings - "Pass control key") then you may use editor's shortcuts with fakevim. Consider, they use system clipboard. Maybe not exactly what we should to be but better than nothing.
Otherwise, I think I know no more than you. :)--
Truly Yours,
Sergey. -
Perhaps put it on bugreports.qt.nokia.com