Goodbye MeeGo, Hello Tizen
Source: "Official meeGo Blog":
By now, you may have read that The Linux Foundation, with the support of several other companies, announced a new project, "Tizen":, to build a new operating system for devices. This new project is first and foremost open source, and based on Linux. So it begs the question: why not just evolve MeeGo? We believe the future belongs to HTML5-based applications, outside of a relatively small percentage of apps, and we are firmly convinced that our investment needs to shift toward HTML5. Shifting to HTML5 doesn't just mean slapping a web runtime on an existing Linux, even one aimed at mobile, as MeeGo has been. Emphasizing HTML5 means that APIs not visible to HTML5 programmers need not be as rigid, and can evolve with platform technology and can vary by market segment.
"More info":
there is not mentions of Qt in the article :(