[Solved] keep unlock mobile phone when my applcation start.
Wow !!! A blind application. Wonderful :)
To be serious, now I have clear the question. I tink that you should find - if any, but I think so - a apy the stop the lock screen while the application is running.
Best I think - but not yet experienced - that as you can "attach" the lock screen block to some events like the network connection or the screen it is also possible stop the screen lock whle an application is running or best until the accelerometer is working.
What you mean as "screen locking" as a matter of fact is the screen saver. The most frequent application that holds the screensaver to run is e.g. the camera appplication. Try to set this in your application.
// Prevent to screensaver to activate
m_systemScreenSaver = new QSystemScreenSaver(this);
@ -
kindly Alicemirror , tell me some other way to handle it.
Please search in the docmentation as I have done. It is the camera example. And works.
Thanks Alicemirror !!! I did as you suugested, it working.Thanks again bro.
I am happy :)
As you understand so fast, please remember always to set [Solved] on the title of the post when it is. Maybe useful for the other developers that has the same problem. Simply edit the first post and add it.
ok Alicemirror i marked this post as Solved :)
Thanks Dan.
... and don't forget to vote for "https://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTWEBSITE-242":https://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTWEBSITE-242 ;-)
@Lukas: great idea to bug it :)