[SOLVED] ListView's flickable problems
I think yes. The reason will be that you try setting the value of the element that is built automatically depending on the ListModel, where you define the aspect of the elements that formerly are part of the generic abstract representation of any element of the list.
ListView just fill the model based on the ListElements (or any other element i.e. the XmlList). I think that you should try to set the sizes in the ListModel. Thus when you define the model you don't know yet what will be the size of that particular instance of the model when the ListView will fill it with the ListData. If in the model you create an area that changes depending on every element content I think that everything works fine.
A short advice in your case: if you set a text in a rectangle the object that you manage as the size reference is the rectangle, despite the text size. To avoid this problem you should do something like the following:
Create a rectangle set with the initial width and height you want.
Set the rectangle opacity to 0 if it should be hidden: you only need a fake object
Create a text object and bind the rectangle height to the full text height: this means that depending by how much text you have the rectangle will be always height to contain it.
Align the text object on top margin of the rectangle (one over the other)
Try it and let me know if it works. I you have some doubt I will try to create this kind of coupled object.
See the following example. Sorry but I get it from a more complex piece of code so I think it can't work. BTW you can get the idea applying it in your code without difficult.
// Login form for registered users
Item {
id: loginwidth: parent.width; // Height is set based on the height value of the text area. height: background.textHeight signal newuserClicked; signal loginClicked
[... some custom properties definition ...]
// Main background recatngle with information text Rectangle { id: background width: parent.width property alias textHeight: textIntro.paintedHeight height: parent.height anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter anchors.bottom: parent.bottom color: "#d1cece"; border.color: "#eeeeee"; border.width: Geometry.getFormBorder(); radius: Geometry.getRadius() // Introductory text over the login area. Text { id: textIntro width: background.width * 0.95; anchors.top: background.top anchors.topMargin: 5; anchors.horizontalCenter: background.horizontalCenter color: "#ffffff" wrapMode: TextEdit.Wrap; font.pointSize: Geometry.getFontPoints(); text: login.loginIntro } }
[... other stuff ...]
@Hope it can help you.
Or it is me who make it wrong, or i don't know :)
As for rectangles and text inside of it, in my current code text is in rectangle already, and my delegate's height depends on text height and if Loader component is loaded, it's height added to delegate's height, and there is also separator line to separate two types of items in the view; I thought that something in my current code is making contentHeight value "jumping", so i just created small example project and test everything using it;
I also noticed that contentHeight value changed when item with higher height scrolls away or returns to screen; So i think that contentHeight depends on items visibility or smth.
p.s. tried to set item's height from model - didn't help
Here is example that i am using
height: layout.height
id: layout
height: index == 3 ? 50 : 20
id: edit
height: paintedHeight
font {pixelSize: 20}
text: title
id: model
title: "this is test text"
title: "World"
title: "Some more text"
title: "And some more :)"
title: "Dummy text"
title: "Dummy text"
title: "Dummy text"
title: "Dummy text"
title: "Dummy text"
title: "Dummy text"
title: "Dummy text"
title: "Dummy text"
title: "Dummy text"
title: "Dummy text"
title: "Dummy text"
title: "Dummy text"
title: "Dummy text"
title: "Dummy text"
title: "Dummy text"
title: "Dummy text"
title: "Dummy text"
title: "Dummy text"
import QtQuick 1.0Rectangle {
width: 360
height: 360ListView{ id: view anchors {fill: parent;} spacing: 5 delegate: ListDelegate{} model: ListModel{} Rectangle{ anchors {fill: view.contentItem;} color: "transparent" border {color: "red"; width: 2;} } onContentYChanged: {console.log(contentHeight)} }
Project from which you posted part of code, as i understand there are no problems with contentHeight?
Or they are just invisible? ) -
This is the solution that I have adopted to solve the problem of content height.
Two strange things in your example: ListDelegate.qml is the ListItem ? It seems you have misunderstood the role of the three elements Item, Model and Delegate.
It's probably when i say item i mean the item in the list, and when i say delegate, i mean the delegate. I think i do understand the role of three elements, and just build my sentences wrong.
Could you please explain what you find strange in that example?
ListDelegate.qml it is a delegate; -
I have the similar problem with ListView. The each model data provides one line of text, and the delegate shows the text with Text. And then I find two problems:
If I use ListView.positionViewAtIndex(index, ListView.Beginning) to position the view at certain line of text, the contentY is always incorrect.
If the text has large number of lines, after flicking more than 200 times, the ListView stops loading text from model. Then the listView becomes blank, no matter flick up or down...
later today I should manage the two problems of the variable text and a text list. I apply the example I posted before in a text-only list so we can check with an example.
@alex: is possible that it is a problem of memory? The documentaion reports that the best behavior in a list is obtained when you load few elements at a time and update the list at the end of the scrolling. Thus you should manage a large number of lines loading them by blocks. As a matter of fact it is not userful to have a list longer so much than the number of elements that can be shown at a time.
A general consideration to your issue is: a correct method to show variable height elements in a list exist because most of the lists i.e. the twitter feeds programs have a final button - usually thicker than the other - showing "load more ..."
As I have a working piece of code I will post here.
Alicemirror: I don't think this is a memory problem, because I use QAbstractListModel to provide the data, and following is the data function that I used:
@QVariant RFileModel::data(const QModelIndex & index, int /role/) const {
int row = index.row();
return data(row);
}QVariant RFileModel::data(int row) const {
// return QVariant();
if (row < m_file_line_pos.count()) {
if (m_file->seek(m_file_line_pos[row])) {
QTextStream stream(m_file);
QString str = stream.readLine();
if (str.length() || !m_file->atEnd()) {
qDebug()<<"Read str row"<<row
return str+KNewLine;
else {
qDebug()<<"read file line failed, line number"<<row
else {
qDebug()<<"could not seek to position/line"<<m_file_line_pos[row]<<row;
else {
qDebug()<<"row number is too large:row/max"<<row<<m_file_line_pos.count();
return QVariant();
}@ -
Thank yo Alex, just a ping :) I'll answer to this shortly
still actual
[quote author="Milnadar" date="1316020663"]I noticed that when (vertical) listView's items has different height, contentHeight value doesn't equal to height of all items. When changing ListView's height, contentHeight may be larger or smaller than it should be. Why is it so? How does ListView count it's contentHeight?[/quote]
When items in a vertical ListView don't have a fixed height, contentHeight is estimated. This is to avoid the cost of instantiating every item in order to query their actual height.
Michael -
m sorry to bring this topic from the dead, but I still don
t see what is the solution to this problem and I need to solve this.Here is the example of the code on which I`m trying to resolve the problem with contentHeight change and also with a problem when you go to positionViewAtEnd() contentY get some strange values:
import QtQuick 1.1Rectangle
width: 360
height: 360ListView { id: lv anchors.fill: parent anchors.bottomMargin: 50 spacing: 5 model: msgmodel delegate: Rectangle { id: rect; width: lv.width; height: txt.height; Text { id: txt; width: 50; anchors.topMargin: 5; wrapMode: Text.WordWrap; text: " contentY: " + lv.contentY + "|" + lv.contentHeight + " y: " + y + " " + msgtext; } } } Text { id: btn; objectName: "btn"; signal add(); text: "Click to move at end" anchors.bottom: parent.bottom MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onReleased: lv.positionViewAtEnd(); } }
@Every time I go to view end contentY at the top of the view goes more in negative value.
EDIT: I have also tried this in QtQuick 2.0 and it is working better but it still has problem when going to view end. But this time instead of going into negative value, contentY increase its value.
Is there any solution to this when you have ListView items with variable height?
Hi Mixa84.
Yes, there is a solution, but it is about to implement your own listVew .
I mark this topic as solved.
In my opinion ListView should be doing what it says in the docs, even if it is slow.
Thank you for the good discussion.
Helped me a lot to understand my problem.Even so it is kind of disappointing, that we can't even use the sizeHintRole for ListViews.
Or have an option to supply the ListView with the correct contentHeight, so it doesn't try calculate it on its own...I've the idea of wrapping the actual list view into another flick able object to kind of wrap the broken scrolling with an item i can control the scrolling better. If it works I'll paste it here.
Well I found another solution. I post here so maybe it helps sombedody.
You need to declare a global property which stores the height. For example : reViewHeight
Put the ListView inside a transparent Rectangle: rcView, and put the rectangle inside the ScrollView
Add: Component.onCompleted: { reViewHeight = reViewHeight + height} in your delegate definition
In the ListView add: onCountChanged: { rcView.height = reViewHeight }
Done !