[Moved] How to rotate QPushButton?
I would like to rotate a QPushButton (or at least its text) so it can stand vertically. I've seen "some documentation online":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/faq/answer/how_can_i_draw_vertical_text , but I couldn't make much sense out of it (it's in C and I'm a Python user).
So I understood I need to re-implement the paintEvent() handler and rotate the QPainter(). What I can't figure out however is how to do this for the QString or QPushButton I need only. I supposed the QPaintEvent would have a "sender" attribute, like signals do, but it hasn't. All I can seem to get from this event is a QRect or QRegion. How can I find out the event specific to my button or its label?
If you want the result like in the "doc":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/faq/answer/how_can_i_draw_vertical_text you mentioned,
t@QString tmp = "t\ne\nx\nt";
ui->pushButton->setText(tmp);@ this would also do. \n after every char ;)I know, its a dirty workaround, nevermind ;)
Thanks, but I want rotation :)
On StackOverflow, I've been pointed to this doc: http://www.qtcentre.org/wiki/index.php?title=OrientationButton
Which is also in C. Now I'll try something from there. I realise I need to reimplement the QPushButton's paintEvent and not the main widget's :D
Yes, you have to reimplement the PushButtons paint event. Its clear in that example. Actually, i believe, the "link":http://www.qtcentre.org/wiki/index.php?title=OrientationButton solves all your problems!?
Yes, but it doesn't solve the fact I'm C-illiterate though :D
I will try my best and come back if I need help for Pythonic translation. -
Hoping someone here is familiar with PyQt4, so far I tried the following, which failed:
@#!/usr/bin/env python
from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
import sysclass RotatedButton(QtGui.QPushButton):
def init(self, text, parent, orientation = "west"):
QtGui.QPushButton.init(self, text, parent)
self.orientation = orientationdef paintEvent(self, event): painter = QtGui.QStylePainter(self) if self.orientation == 'west': painter.rotate(90) elif self.orientation == 'east': painter.rotate(270) else: raise TypeError painter.drawControl(QtGui.QStyle.CE_PushButton, self.getSyleOptions()) def getSyleOptions(self): options = QtGui.QStyleOptionButton() options.initFrom(self) size = options.rect.size() size.transpose() options.rect.setSize(size) options.features = QtGui.QStyleOptionButton.None options.text = self.text() options.icon = self.icon() options.iconSize = self.iconSize() return options
class Main(QtGui.QFrame):
def init(self):
QtGui.QFrame.init(self)self.count = 0 self.application = QtCore.QCoreApplication.instance() self.layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() self.button = RotatedButton("Hello", self, orientation="west") self.layout.addWidget(self.button) self.setLayout(self.layout)
Any suggestion?
Check out LibQxt. It supports rotated buttons in its "QxtPushButton":http://libqxt.bitbucket.org/doc/0.6/qxtpushbutton.html class.
P.S. Note that the suff you refered to is in C++, not in C. There is quite a big difference.
Thanks Andre. Are there Python bindings for this too?
[quote author="Andre" date="1315469791"]Check out LibQxt. It supports rotated buttons in its "QxtPushButton":http://libqxt.bitbucket.org/doc/0.6/qxtpushbutton.html class.
P.S. Note that the suff you refered to is in C++, not in C. There is quite a big difference. [/quote]
I got help from StackOverflow, and the "above example":http://www.qtcentre.org/wiki/index.php?title=OrientationButton was translated to Python properly. Now I need to figure out what it's really doing :)
@#!/usr/bin/env python
from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
import sysclass RotatedButton(QtGui.QPushButton):
def init(self, text, parent, orientation = "west"):
super(RotatedButton,self).init(text, parent)
self.orientation = orientationdef paintEvent(self, event): painter = QtGui.QStylePainter(self) painter.rotate(90) painter.translate(0, -1 * self.width()); painter.drawControl(QtGui.QStyle.CE_PushButton, self.getSyleOptions()) def minimumSizeHint(self): size = super(RotatedButton, self).minimumSizeHint() size.transpose() return size def sizeHint(self): size = super(RotatedButton, self).sizeHint() size.transpose() return size def getSyleOptions(self): options = QtGui.QStyleOptionButton() options.initFrom(self) size = options.rect.size() size.transpose() options.rect.setSize(size) options.features = QtGui.QStyleOptionButton.None if self.isFlat(): options.features |= QtGui.QStyleOptionButton.Flat if self.menu(): options.features |= QtGui.QStyleOptionButton.HasMenu if self.autoDefault() or self.isDefault(): options.features |= QtGui.QStyleOptionButton.AutoDefaultButton if self.isDefault(): options.features |= QtGui.QStyleOptionButton.DefaultButton if self.isDown() or (self.menu() and self.menu().isVisible()): options.state |= QtGui.QStyle.State_Sunken if self.isChecked(): options.state |= QtGui.QStyle.State_On if not self.isFlat() and not self.isDown(): options.state |= QtGui.QStyle.State_Raised options.text = self.text() options.icon = self.icon() options.iconSize = self.iconSize() return options
class Main(QtGui.QFrame):
def init(self):
QtGui.QFrame.init(self)self.application = QtCore.QCoreApplication.instance() self.layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() self.button = RotatedButton("Hello", self, orientation="west") self.layout.addWidget(self.button) self.setLayout(self.layout)
if name == 'main':
application = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) application.main = Main() application.main.show() sys.exit(application.exec_())