[Moved] unresolved external symbol _SDL_GetError
What does this have to do with Qt? You forgot to add some SDL library or so it seems.
I want to use Qtcreator but have no clue why i get this error. It even works in VS and Eclipse.-
Tried with a *.pro alike below, any ideas what's going wrong?
Thanks Michael
...#Shared library without any Qt functionality
QT -= gui coreCONFIG += warn_on plugin release
CONFIG -= thread exceptions qt rtti debugVERSION = 1.0.0
win32 {
INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../SDL/include
DEPENDPATH += $$PWD/../SDL/include
INCLUDEPATH += ../headers/AL LIBS += -L../SDK/Libraries/Win/
LIBS += -L$$PWD/../SDL/lib/
LIBS += -L../MinGW/lib/ LIBS += -lXPLM -lOpenGL32 -lGlu32 -lSDL -lSDLmain -lSDL_image -lOpenAL32 TARGET = win.xpl
... -
the above errors are by my messed project as below. What project settings do I need to change?
Many thanks
MichaelLead build steps for project myProject ...
Run "C: \ QtSDK \ QtCreator \ bin \ jom.exe" clean
E: \ QtSDK \ QtCreator \ bin \ jom.exe-nologo-j 2-f clean Makefile.Debug
del debug \ main.obj
del debug \ win.xpl.intermediate.manifest debug \ win.xpl1.exp debug \ win.xpl1.ilk vc vc *. pdb *. idb
del debug \ win.xpl_resource.res
E: \ QtSDK \ QtCreator \ bin \ jom.exe-nologo-j 2-f clean Makefile.Releasejom 1.0.6 - empower your cores
E: \ cpp-win \ myProject-build-desktop-Qt_4_7_4_for_Desktop_ MSVC2008__Qt_SDK__Release \ debug \ main.obj could not be found
could not be found
E: \ cpp-win \ myProject-build-desktop-Qt_4_7_4_for_Desktop MSVC2008__Qt_SDK__Release \ vc *. pdb could not be found
could not be found
del release \ main.obj
del release \ win.xpl.intermediate.manifest release \ win.xpl1.exp
del release \ win.xpl_resource.res
del ". \ win.xpl.intermediate.manifest"
could not be found
del win.xpl1.exp
could not be found
E: \ cpp-win \ myProject-build-desktop-Qt_4_7_4_for_Desktop _MSVC2008__Qt_SDK__Release \ win.xpl1.exp could not be found