QtCreator - Need change Release/Debug on all open projects by one click
Now entire project includes 12 projects and there will be much more. Core app, some temporary .a libraries and a large number of plugns. I'm already tired change config from debug to release and back when needed. Is there way change config for all open projects by one click?
QtCreator 2.0.1 used for while but if this exists in new release then I'll change.
If there is already submitted feature request in JIRA then please point me.
Just wrote...
You can also use SUBDIRS .pro file for now to have one project for all of your small subprojects.
I am not sure, but possibly the subdirs template might be of help for you.
I had a similar problem. I wanted to change the tool chain from embedded to host and back.
"Here is a link to that post":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/forums/viewthread/6394/ in case you like to check. -
Do you mean: if I'll create projects.pro with content like this:
SUBDIRS += coredir
libdir \
plug2dir@then I'll have only change config for this only project and run build for it?
But what will happen if I have a number of open projects and this projects.pro then just click to Build button? Which one project will be build first - projects.pro or one opened with first name in list? What will happen if I click REBUILD ALL? Won't it will be rebuild twice?
bq. SUBDIRS is not an option if you’re using CMake
I work with jom option turned on (don't sure if this works) and mingw32-make by default.
You can add dependencies: http://www.qtcentre.org/wiki/index.php?title=Undocumented_qmake#SUBDIRS_projects
[quote author="Franzk" date="1313502899"]SUBDIRS is not an option if you're using CMake (don't know if that's the case for Gourmand though).[/quote]
This is certainly not the field of my expertize. However, I thought that creator will always use qmake to generate the different makefiles. Lateron the "makes" will use those makefiles.
SUBDIRS is part of qmake, isn't it? -
When you open the superproject, all your subprojects are opened automatically. If you have the subprojects open as well, all projects will start building. That means your projects get built twice. Best is to only open the super project if you want everything available.
Gourmand, I think a small test made by yourself will show you is it a good option for you.
Ok, I just made superproject file like this:
@TEMPLATE += subdirs
CONFIG += orderedSUBDIRS += sciQtldyn
UIPluginsciQtldyn.file = sciQtldyn.pro
CI_STD.file = CI_std15_plugin.pro
deciQt/deciQtl.file = deciQtldyn.pro
qtcolorpicker-2.6_1-opensource/buildlib.file = buildlib.pro
CI_FED.file = CI_FED15_plugin.pro
SCPS-K.file = SCPS-K.pro
ci_ui.file = ci_ui.pro
EmptyPlugin.file = EmptyPlugin.pro
EmptyPlugin2.file = EmptyPlugin2.pro
textedit.file = textedit.pro
UIPligin.file = uiplugin.pro@this doesn't work. This superproject file is placed into directory on top of all subproject directories. When I open superproject.pro in Qt Creator then I see only this project. I expected all subprojects will be opened inside it. I need mandatory access to each subproject individually. And even project build doesn't work. What is wrong here?
At first try to update your QtCreator. Afair you are using 2.0.1 which is too old
Hah... here is the question - how to install separate QtCreator package in Windows over old QtCreator? And do not change Qt for while. I do not want upgrade all Qt now - I have dynamically and statically versions. This upgrade will take some time but I cannot spend it now. I downloaded latest QtCreator but installer does not see already installed one. It does not suggest upgrade, just install new. But I want upgrade. How better do that?
Ok, I installed 2.2.1 and opened superproject. Result is the same.
On the "run qmake" it generates Makefile without any mention of subprojects.
BTW: Tried add existing project to superproject - it adds as "other file". But logically it must add project to .pro as subproject.
Just added another one suggestion - ability add existing subproject into superproject created manually or by SUBDIRS wizard. Now this wizard is almost useless. It only allows create empty subprojects but not add existing. For all who agree wit this - please vote for it:
I tried create subdirs file manually but without success. And my question is still open...