[Moved] N9 will not be released in the USA
Rumours were going round for weeks alreday that N9 will not be released in major countries.
Now it was confirmed that N9 is "not comming to the USA":http://www.engadget.com/2011/08/09/nokia-the-n9-isnt-coming-to-america/ .
I am considering to stop my Qt phone activities untill Nokia fires Elop. It seems to me that one part of Nokia is trying hard to establish the Qt phone platform. But there is no way for this team to be successful as long as the CEO sabotages the eagerly anticipated killer platform.
How are my fellow developers thinking about it? -
I don't think that boycotting will change anything. Elop is that arrogant that he will just ignore you and the rest of the world and continue Nokia's sue-side.
Better thing would be only publishing your apps for Harmattan and Symbian and boycot all Windows phones.
Talk to everybody how great Meego is and how much Windows phones suck. Lots of people ask me what is a good phone I always tell hem android is ok, iphone sucks and windows just don't bother. As a result people around me popup more and more with android phones instead of the new iPhone they wanted to buy in the first place. ;-) I guess keeping talking about the N9 and making people want it is the only way to make it a success, don't count on Nokia/Elop.
Sounds like auto destruction sequence is still running...
Another article on it: "Nokia confirms N9 MeeGo phone not coming to US":http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/news/2011/08/nokia-confirms-n9-not-coming-to-us.ars
It is clear that Nokia's partnership with Microsoft targets North America. MeeGo is competitor OS to Windows Phone so it is not a big surprise that Nokia will not ship N9 in the USA.
bq. MeeGo is competitor OS to Windows Phone so it is not a big surprise that Nokia will not ship N9 in the USA.
My naive idea was, that the CEO of Nokia makes his decision in the best interest of Nokia and not Microsoft. Samsung sells WP7 phones and Android. Less than 5% of customers choose Microsoft phones. If Samsung offered only Microsoft they would miss on 95% of revenue.
By the way, the share price of Nokia lost 60% since the burning platform speach that destroyed the Nokia revenue stream.