Segmentation Fault (Core Dumped)
I have got VTK 5.6.1 and Qt 4.6.2 installed on my opensolaris system. I wrote a code which has basic function of showing the VTk viewPort and rendering an image on it. The Class code is as given below.
@MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent):QDialog(parent)
//qvtkWidget= new QVTKWidget;
button = new QPushButton("Do Something");
label = new QLabel("Garbage Value");connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked()),new helper(label, this), SLOT(onclicked())); qvtkWidget->resize(256,256); vtkPNGReader* reader = vtkPNGReader::New(); char fname[] ="/export/home/sol/Downloads/vtk/vtk.png"; reader->SetFileName(fname); vtkImageViewer* image_view = vtkImageViewer::New(); image_view->SetInputConnection(reader->GetOutputPort()); qvtkWidget->SetRenderWindow(image_view->GetRenderWindow()); image_view->SetupInteractor(qvtkWidget->GetRenderWindow()->GetInteractor()); image_view->SetColorLevel(138.5); image_view->SetColorWindow(233);*/ //label->setText("My Value"); QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout;
// layout->addWidget(qvtkWidget);
}void MainWindow::MyEventHandler()
//Label setting
label->setText("Dude It works");//VTK Widget interaction vtkPNGReader* reader = vtkPNGReader::New(); char fname[] ="/export/home/sol/Downloads/vtk/Earth-icon.png"; reader->SetFileName(fname); vtkImageViewer* image_view = vtkImageViewer::New(); image_view->SetInputConnection(reader->GetOutputPort()); qvtkWidget->SetRenderWindow(image_view->GetRenderWindow()); image_view->SetupInteractor(qvtkWidget->GetRenderWindow()->GetInteractor()); image_view->SetColorLevel(138.5); image_view->SetColorWindow(233);
helper::helper(QLabel *label, MainWindow *reciever)
mylabel= label;
}void helper:: onclicked()
void MainWindow::changetext(QLabel *label)
} @But when I run the application file It says segmentation fault(Core Dumped) . But I don see anything wrong with the pointers or anything that I have used.
Also when I include the (LIBS += -L/usr/local/lib/vtk-5.6 -lQVTK -lvtkRendering -lvtkIO -lvtkFiltering) …. in the .pro file I have this problem. Though I am not using any of its classes(QVTKWidget etc..,) But if I comment that line it works fine.Its a run time error and is related to the Shared Libraries.
I have also set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH!!!
What Might have gone wrong.
I am totally stuck, Please Hel
I ll do that., But might there be a chance of the VTK library built wrongly?? What might be the other possibilities why it failing?
@ //qvtkWidget= new QVTKWidget;
button = new QPushButton("Do Something");
label = new QLabel("Garbage Value");connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked()),new helper(label, this), SLOT(onclicked())); qvtkWidget->resize(256,256);@
Why is the QVTKWidget instance creation commented? You are using it as a pointer when resizing it, but its creation is commented in the constructor
@//qvtkWidget= new QVTKWidget;@Maybe uncommenting that line, :) , can solve the problem. Just a guess...
Thanks.., but the problem i m getting stuck is different!! :-) May be I have gone wrong in the building process.