QTcpServer - Fortune example problem
So I really don't know what can it be (and I really want to find it out).
I am sure I use the VS2005 command.
The nmake didn't work. When I look in the internet I saw that the files which are missing are VS2008 files. When I tried to create the vcproj from pro file I got an error relating to the Visual studio version. Because of those two reasons I thought that the problem is VS version.
Is there another way to convert pro file to vcproj? -
You should provide the error messages you got.
However, it looks that we are mixing up things.
Here you wrote:
[quote author="nnn123" date="1312177600"]qmake works. nmake doesn't work.[/quote]This is before any .vproj file. That was your reply on recompilation of the fortune example. This should be a trial with the command prompt started through visual studio. If nmake does not work in the command window opened through visual studio, there is a problem with your visual studio setup.
What is happening when you open the command prompt through visual studio and you simply type nmake?
Please post the messages obtained. -
It is missing a standard header file. So there is something with your environment wrong.
In your command prompt you can run "set include". There you should find the directory where this file is located. This entry is probably missing.However, in general I would suggest that you repair or reinstall your visual studio including all service packs. Then you should install Qt and vsaddin again.
The problems you have are not Qt related. It just happened to show up with your trials with the fortune server/client example.
I didn't reinstall yet.
I found out that there was an environment variable belong to VS with " at the end
I removed it and now nmake works!
I compiled the server and client with nmake and run the applications. It worked.
I tried to compile it with VS but it is still didn't work.
Do you still think I should reinstall or do you have other idea? -
Without knowing where and how you have chanegd the setting, it is not possible to give you a decent advise in that regard.
However, if you like to know my personal opinion, I would reinstall. As long as you do not know how the change happened, you cannot know what else could have been changed. Changing forth and back with all the trials is sometimes more time consuming than starting from scratch with a fresh setup.